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Thread: Experiences with EMDR?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Experiences with EMDR?

    My therapist recommended it to me for dealing with a major trauma in my life and I am trying to do some research to see if it would help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    Hi swgrl09,

    My therapist has also recently recommended EMDR to me. My first EMDR session is tomorrow morning so I don't exactly have a clear perspective on it yet myself.

    I have read on various websites and forums that experiences with EMDR can vary. I hear that it can, but not always, be very difficult and uncomfortable and that emotional and physical sensations from the traumatic event(s) can be experienced, but these feelings should not be any worse than the feelings felt during the event that you are being asked to focus on.

    If I am feeling up to it after my session tomorrow, I will try to add my experience to this post, if you want me to!

    Kind regards,
    "O fear not in a world like this,
    And thou shalt know erelong,
    Know how sublime a thing it is
    To suffer and be strong."

    -H.W. Longfellow

  3. #3

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    I had emdr treatment about 2 years ago I had breathing sessions and going through the trauma
    Also I had a session were I followed her finger round the room and commenting on the events that had took place I didn't find it helped me much I then went onto cbt but found this little help as well iam no waiting to see a psychiatrist hope you have better luck than me take care

  4. #4

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    i have just completed 9 sessions of emdr, it is fantastic how it works, however it does drain you completely. I still have a long way to fo but it is certainly helping. Grab the sessions with both hands its the way forward.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    I am leaning towards trying it, I am waiting for my therapist to get back to me with some more information. I am worried about it really making me emotional. I am working full time and a full time graduate student, so I don't want to get into a bad place emotionally and then not do well in school ... sounds like a stupid reason, I know my mental health is more important ... but when I am handing out loads of money for school I don't want to have to retake courses, hah. Thanks for the info.

  6. #6

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    Its an odd thing whilst your having the therapy its tough going but once the session is done, u feel better, and you kind of get a sense of direction, with stuff. I personally think it will help make the studying easier. Its an amazing therapy and i do swear by it. Go on take the step you wont regret it


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    Well, I am having my first EMDR session this coming Monday. I am nervous, but also excited at the prospect of possible relief. We'll see how it goes!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    please let me know how you get on.....ive been put on a waiting list for emdr but am so scared,i feel like ringing up and asking to try cbt instead.....which equally frightens me

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    Well, my first appointment was not too bad. Most of the appointment consisted of the therapist (who already knows me and my backstory) collecting information about my symptoms, thought processes, experiences, etc. Then she took some time to explain and demonstrate what she was going to do.

    She does it a new way.. I guess they either can move their fingers infront of your eyes or they can tap on your thumbs (you sit with two thumbs up and she taps back and forth on them lightly). I guess both ways have the same effect, that's just how she does it.

    While she does that, she has me decide on a starting point and to reflect on that during the tapping and just see where my brain takes me. We did not get to do it for very long because it was the first time and she did not want me to get overwhelmed, but it was interesting because I thought about things I really really never let my brain get to. After you may feel really tired. I did.

    So next week we are going to do the emdr the whole session and see how that goes. She did make it clear that it is safe, if i feel overwhelmed she can help me get out of that place, etc. So far so good I guess.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Experiences with EMDR?

    so glad it went ok ....ive changed my mind though...i dont feel ready at all....will keep reading your progress though...
    might be ready one day

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