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Thread: New to the forum, but not anxiety,ibs and panic attacks!!

  1. #1

    New to the forum, but not anxiety,ibs and panic attacks!!

    Hi,new to forums,chat etc..
    I didn't realise that the symptoms etc i have are happening to other people. I thought it was just 'me'.
    From the age of 3 i remember having a 'nervous stomach' .Everywhere i went ,playschool, friends houses, out for the day with Mum and Dad I would feel nervous and sick.Starting school at 5 ,every day no breakfast as felt 'sick'. I was always scared of things and a worrier.This has continued all my life wavering abit when i was about 19. I have had no problems in life (usual things that happen) but a good family and happily married for 20 years. Iam 44.!! 2 great teenagers. I put it down to my makeup!!
    I have been on citalopram for 8 years. It took 3 years for the Dr to convince me it would help. Before that i would have constant panic attacks which lead straight to diahorrea . This lead me to be frightened to go anywhere as i would feel frightened and the stomach would start.I managed work but anything like socializing, going out to strange places meeting new people i would be a nervous wreck and kept saying i had a stomach bug as that is what it felt like.I had numerous tests that came back negative. I was told i had ibs and i was always shattered and felt like i had flu.T he citalopram helped so much .Started with 20mg for a few years ,then went back down to 10mg.I had a set back last july 3 days before going on holiday.I felt so ill and horrendous diahorrea, lost loads of weight and no appetite whatsoever,panic attacks,fear of everything.I didn't want to go at all.Fear of the unknown !!! I went back up to 20mg and within a day the calmness kicked in.The weird thoughts and pains in the head ,dizziness, sickliness,muzzy head,all the side effects of citalopram were there.Then 2weeks later(when holiday ended) i felt 'normal'.I feel i will be on these for life as the years i haven't had the tablets(10yrs ago) i had bad spells where i couldn't function and i mean not get off the couch ,no appetite,panic attacks,diahorrea. I was diagnosed with a 'virus' several times.General anxiety was missed.These spells floored me as i couldn't move ,just drank water.It was like my body had shut down and my thoughts. My poor family. I hide it from my teenagers as much as i can as they would worry and i worry that they will be like me.
    I stupidly tried to reduce my tablets over the last 3 weeks one every other day.(20mg)A mistake! The flu like symptoms kicked in and the churning stomach panic attacks and headaches no appetite,diahorrea.I have gone back upto 20mg everyday and iam feeling better but tired.
    I go away in the summer for 1week and i can feel myself worrying already about the plane journey(not flown for 23years) .
    Any reassurance would be great.I do try and help myself but its there and won't go away.I would love to be different and take each day as it comes but it's the way iam.
    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hi jerseygirl

    We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

    Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

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