From when I was young anything that I read or saw on the tv the news if bad has always played on mind.

That's because we're very sensitive which also means we're very caring so feel others suffering. It may not feel like it but it's an admirable quality to have - Empathy.

I try to have faith in God. But if there is a God why does he/she let this happen?

It's Extremely sad when these events happen but life is full of bad things but also good things too. It's something we have to accept just like all things that make us anxious. I'm afraid to say it's up to "us" to look after ourselves as that's what living means. Life means risk.

If we all lived forever, humanity would never evolve and we'd stagnate. If we didn't have mortality, we'd know no fear which may sound good but then good and evil would then live in an eternal living hell. Also the Earth would very quickly become overpopulated so it wouldn't be much fun living eternally with no room to move.

On the other hand we could say that we should all live to 100 to be fair to everyone but then again, how crowded the world would soon become.

As for the News, well, if it isn't an Unusual or Rare event, it isn't News. Remember, there are nearly 70 MILLION people in the country who don't make the news because they're leading boring lives of no interest to others.

Everytime you read or hear a headline about ONE person, think of the Millions who are Not affected and remember Bad News sells.

I gave up on papers years ago because I got fed up with all the sensationlising scaremongering. If it doesn't affect me, there's no point worrying or filling my mind with worries beyond my control.

It IS Very Sad when these things happen and I Really feel for those affected but if it wasn't for the media we'd never know. However, we should all be informed of News events but sometimes the media do love to focus on bad subjects which then causes paranoia and anxiety in society which leads to a generalisation of mistrust of All humanity.