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Thread: 14 days on Fluoxetine 20mg and struggling to cope

  1. #1

    14 days on Fluoxetine 20mg and struggling to cope

    Hi this is my first time on this site.

    Have been on 20mg of Fluoxetine for 14 days now and dont know if I can carry on any longer as I am feeling so bad. Up to day 8 was fine just a bit of a jippy tummy and loss of appitie, but since then have been experiencing lots of side affects:
    Heart thumping/racing- shaking- shivering- sleepy- uneasy- nervy- anxious- mind racing and to top it all have lost 5lb in the last week due to the jippy tummy. Surely this medication is meant to make you feel better. I really cant carry on like this much longer, I feel like shite

    Sorry for the rant. Anyone out the got any advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: 14 days on Fluoxetine 20mg and struggling to cope

    Hi and

    Most medication will make you feel worse before you feel better but I have to say that Prozac is one that is usually tolerated well.

    You may need to tell the doc all of this and they can change it to something else as it may not suit you,

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: 14 days on Fluoxetine 20mg and struggling to cope

    Hi Dawn,
    i'm on Flou as well and have had exactly the same syptoms..after the first 3 weeks they started to die down and now 5 weeks in I'm feeling a lot better...i would have a word with your doc to put your mind at ease but it is completely normal to feel like you are. Take care hun. xx

  4. #4

    Re: 14 days on Fluoxetine 20mg and struggling to cope

    Thanks for the replies,

    Day 16 today and feeling real bad, lost 7lb in weight and have constant jippy tummy, if you know what I mean. Also been having some really bad thoughts, really scared. Managed to get an emergency Drs apt and he told me to stop taking them as of now, so I haven't had one today and this evening I already beginning to feel brighter, thank god. It may work for some, but not me. Lets hope the alternative meds are OK.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: 14 days on Fluoxetine 20mg and struggling to cope

    sorry to hear it hasn't worked for you, i had the same prob on Setraline so i guess everyone is suited to different meds. Hope you find one that works for you..stay strong hun. x

  6. #6

    Re: 14 days on Fluoxetine 20mg and struggling to cope

    Just thought I'd update you. "been on the Prozac diet, lost 12lb, 10 days and my mind". Seriously though I have never ever felt so bad, I think yesterday was the first real day I started to fell like me again, I even managed to go to my local shops. Started my new tablets yesterday "Cipralex 10mg". Please god let me be ok. I know as the Dr keeps telling me its anxiety but it's just a case of take these and come back in a month "next". Anyone out there got any tips on coping with this. Sorry I'm going on a bit, just needed to vent.

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