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Thread: Severe post-natal HA: help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Severe post-natal HA: help!

    Hi, I am new to this site and so glad to have found it: it is such a comfort already.

    I think I am going nuts. I had a baby 6 months ago and when he was 3 months old I developed SEVERE health anxiety from nowhere. It came on completely suddenly: one day I woke with a racing heart, bowel problems, neck pain and boom! I've never been the same since. I've been to the doctor several times with different health fears because I have so many scary PHYSICAL symptoms, and she says I have post-natal depression.... but I am not exactly sad..... at least I wouldn't be if I didn't think I was dying all the time!

    My main fear:

    That I have cancer anywhere in my body.

    My symptoms:
    *Headache (brain tumour?)
    *Dizziness (brain tumour?)
    *Blurred vision (ditto)
    *Earache (throat cancer?)
    *Problems swallowing (throat cancer)
    *weird pressure/need to belch sensation in upper stomach (stomach cancer?)
    *Nausea (stomach cancer?)
    *Chest pain, pain down my arm (breast cancer?)
    *IBS(Bowel cancer)

    ARRRGGHH! It's so EXHAUSTING!!! And once I used to be sane! I worry I'll never be the same again, that I am going mad..........

    Has anyone else had a similar experience?????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Severe post-natal HA: help!

    Hi Hun and welcome!

    I just have to share my experience with you as they are so alike i could have written your post myself!

    When my baby daughter was 2 months old, one night when she wouldnt stop crying, my heart beat just got faster and faster and stronger and stronger until i didnt know what to do with myself!
    I was so agitated,nervous.restless,couldnt sit still,was so tired but at same time felt i could have run a marathon with the amount of adrenaline runningnround my body!

    Anyway,cut a long story short i was sonvinced i was dying,and since then terrible health anxiety developed,thought i had brain tumor/blood clot in brain/on lung/cancer/heart conditions etc you name i thought i had it.

    It too for me was put down to anxiety and when depression was suggested to me i refused to accept because i just was not depressed!
    I had horrible physical symptoms too
    *palpitations/racing heart
    *feeling dizzy/off balance
    *head pressure
    *nausea,sometimes vomiting
    *needing loo all time
    *chest pain
    *ectopic heart beats
    *panic attacks

    plus loads more.

    You are not alone hun,it is normal and hormonal,you will get better. My daughter is 8 months and although i am not entirely cured,i am much better than i was.
    Good luck,take care,and enjoy your baby!

    Char xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Severe post-natal HA: help!

    Funny you should post, my HA kicked in a couple months after having my son!! It was horrable, I just went tingely all over and it was horrable.

    A lot of the worries you have listed above, I have them as well but no one really wants to help, the doctors just want to throw me on meds but my meds affect me badly so I have opted out on this.

    One thing that has helped and has thrilled me to bits is acupuncture. I have had 4 sessions in total so far and it has been really good. My Anx is reducing and other things linked to the childbirth are fading. My therapist said it normally takes a woman 2 years to get over pregnancy which was also interested as I have not snapped back into shape, which leads to more Anx is some way, shape or form.

    Did you by any chance have a traumatic birth experiance? I have put mine down to that as I had to have an emergency c-section which totally freaked me out delux.

    Sorry for rambeling, just wanted to let you know I had and am still really having a similar experiance, maybe it's worth talking to your doc to get to see someone to knock things on the head early!

    Take care!
    Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane.
    - Philip K. Dick

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Severe post-natal HA: help!

    As soon as my first child was born I went to see a solicitor (with reluctant husband in tow) to make a will to ensure that if I or we died then guardianship would be sorted out. Didn't care about the money. Just really panicked thinking about what would happen if I died.

    I think giving birth gives us a REAL sense of our own mortality. Starts to make sense of life / death etc. If you've had a difficult labour and delivery it's even more amplified. I had post natal depression but I didn't know. It's only when I look back and remember how I behaved I can see how 'nuts' I was.

    I had HA a little before giving birth but having kids really embedded it!!

    Hope you get well soon. Don't let it take the joy away from your baby.

    Kay xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Severe post-natal HA: help!

    OMG i know this is an old post but this is EXACTLY how i am right now, JoJo my son is 3 months old at the moment. Ive got everything you have listed and scared its the things youve listed. And you too cassi. It just came on out of now where i had been feeling great (but have had problems before) but during pregnancy i was fine. Its just so severe and ruling my life right now :( :( :( im trying not to let it spoil my time with my little ones (my oldest is 12 but i have lewis who is 22mths and finley is 3 months) but at the moment every day i keep thinking awful thoughts and every ache is something :( :( if your still on here just want to send you hugs hope you are ok now and got through it, at the moment it feels like im never going to :( xxxxxxxxxx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Severe post-natal HA: help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Janieb View Post
    Funny you should post, my HA kicked in a couple months after having my son!! It was horrable, I just went tingely all over and it was horrable.

    A lot of the worries you have listed above, I have them as well but no one really wants to help, the doctors just want to throw me on meds but my meds affect me badly so I have opted out on this.

    One thing that has helped and has thrilled me to bits is acupuncture. I have had 4 sessions in total so far and it has been really good. My Anx is reducing and other things linked to the childbirth are fading. My therapist said it normally takes a woman 2 years to get over pregnancy which was also interested as I have not snapped back into shape, which leads to more Anx is some way, shape or form.

    Did you by any chance have a traumatic birth experiance? I have put mine down to that as I had to have an emergency c-section which totally freaked me out delux.

    Sorry for rambeling, just wanted to let you know I had and am still really having a similar experiance, maybe it's worth talking to your doc to get to see someone to knock things on the head early!

    Take care!
    i think im going to try accupuncture after reading this. I need to do something thats going to help its driving me insane ;( :( i didnt have a traumatic birth either it was a crazy fast one in just 2 hours after i had been worried about it, and i felt brilliant afterwards and recovered realy fast, then i get this

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Severe post-natal HA: help!

    omg i could have wrote this post myself everything you describe is what happens to me my little boy is nrly 6 months old and its wrecking everything having ha i struggle to do things cos im so scared
    at the mo im trying homepathic remides to see if they help the physical syptoms fingers crossed feel free to pm me any time if you need ti chat x

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