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Thread: you can overcome this

  1. #1

    you can overcome this

    Hi everyone

    My name is Michelle and I am 33. When I was 22 i had a nervous breakdown, accompanied nicely with severe anxiety and panic disorder. I also developed agoraphobia. At the height of my illness I thought my life was over. I became pretty neglectful to my small son, because I was too ill to look after all his needs and my Nan used to have to come up to my home every day to help me feed and clean him.

    I called an ambulance on 2 occasions, one when i thought my heart had stopped beating, and another time when my head began to burn as though it was on fire. Both occasions i was in the midst of a terrible panic attack.

    I lived on the 14 floor of a highrise, and vividly remember a spell of panic where I was convinced i would accidentally throw my self out of my bedroom window in my sleep. It was an awful, scary and lonely period in my life.

    I was prescribed diazepam for sleeping, and citroplram (sp) for anxiety. I also had CBT. Eventually my panic attacks lessened, at their worst i was having up to 100 a day. I began to go out in public again, although i took very small baby steps to begin with.
    All the things i avoided, such as travelling on the bus and being in crowds started to be possible again.

    One of the most important things i learned when overcoming anxiety was breathing and muscle relaxing exercises. They were the best things i have ever learned, and i still perform them now.

    I have been well for several years, and im a fully functioning member of society now. I havent had a panic attack in years and years, I work full time in a busy retail store and i mostly enjoy life.
    I still sometimes suffer crippling bouts of depression, but i know the signs and try to look after my mental health by exercising and eating well.

    I am training to become a counsellor now.

    There is life after panic and anxiety, it is fully 'beatable' and it will make you strong. Anxiety and panic affect lifes able people, intelligent people. You can overcome fear and panic, it is hard but it can be done.

    Good luck to you all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: you can overcome this

    Hi Chellebell

    Thanks very much for such a very positive story. I am so glad that you have come out of the other side of this awful illness and are well again, well done to you. I too know that I will be better again. Compared to how I felt 8 months ago I am on that road to recovery also. Do you still take meds?

    I joined NMP at the height of my anxiety/panic and they have been absolutely brilliant. Always someone here to get you through those really bad days.

    I wish you all the very best in your continued recovery.

    Jannie x x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: you can overcome this


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: you can overcome this

    Hi, well done for beating this awful illness. I hope that one day i can be like you and be able to enjoy life again.
    Sarah x

  5. #5

    Re: you can overcome this

    Its totally possible to live a completely 'normal' life again, it really is. Im not taking any meds, havent done for years. I do occasionally use rescue remedy (usually around my period when i feel slightly more anxious than normal) and Im a fan of 5HTP, which i use sporadically for when I feel down.
    Books which really helped me were by Dr Claire Weekes. And i still practise abdominal breathing and muscle relaxation, which saved my life.

  6. #6

    Re: you can overcome this

    Thank you for sharing your story. You have proved it can be done. And now training to be a counsellor, you can help others.

    Its so positive to read stories like this, as it gives us all hope.

    Best of luck in the future x

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