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Thread: update on throat problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    update on throat problems

    yesterday after one too many panic over the food sticking in my throat stuff I plucked up the courage to go and annoy my doctor yet again on the subject. this time I was booked in to see a different doctor so I was worried she would dismiss my worries.
    She was really good and listened to my symptoms and my conclusion that I was dying from throat cancer. She had a good feel all around my neck upper shoulders, throat, looked in my ears and down my throat. She said there was nothing there at all. She said that based on my description she says its definately not cancer. She then went onto talk about anxiety and how it affects the throat. This could definately be why I thought my glands were sore. Apparently it is muscle tension. even though I am not aware of it when anxiuos my neck muscles tense but its only when I'm not anxious and the muscles relax that I notice there are sore and tight. She is sure that anxiety is causing my sypmtoms including the food stuck in my throat.
    I asked her as many questions that I could think of and she answered each one. I was/am concerned that I expect my problems to happen when I am at my most worried but more often than not they happen when I'm fairly relaxed and my mind is on other things. she said this is perfectly normal. With panic and anxiety it is often when you are at your most relaxed you feel the problem which then in turn sets off the anxiety yet again making it a cycle.
    she told me to wait a few weeks and give the anti depressants a chance to kick in and if its still happening then she will refer me to the ENT for further tests to reassure me. i asked her if it is not down to anxiety and there really is something causing the problems even then can she say it wouldnt be cancer and she said even then it will definately not be cancer as my sypmtoms are definately not consistant with it at all and a referal will be just to reassure me further on this.
    In one way I feel a lot better on this, purely because she took my concerns seriously and took the time to answer my questions and dispel my self diagnosis. It worried me slightly that she has just thought 'oh shes suffering from anxiety therefore its all in her head' and put it all down to be being insane and hypochondriac.
    I'm also having problems trying to come to terms with the food being stuck in my throat stuff being 'in my head'. When it happens it feels real. I truely 100% believe and feel something stuck. I can visualise it perfectly and I am unsure about how I can change something which is such a powerful image in my mind. No matter how sure i am its not really happening when I feel it its so real my mind thinks something is stuck :(
    anyway sorry for such a long one. Its helped a lot just to get what was said written down rather than just thoughts and conversation in my head.
    lucy x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Lucy,
    Anxiety is a powerful thing it can really play tricks on your mind, try to take your mind off of the feeling that food is stuck in your throat, by maybe reading or watching tv whilst eating, you may find that you get so engrossed in something else that you will forget about the feeling. I am sure that your doctor is right, especially as she gave you a good 'once over', and that everything is fine.
    Take care

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi lucy,
    i can relate to you in some way because i get what feels like a lump, that comes on spontanius through out the day, its horrable, it just comes from nowhere, even when im relaxed,and not even thinking about it, ive had this now for nearly 3 weeks, its scarey aint it, i hope you are ok again soon
    take care
    luv sue xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

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