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Thread: Citalopram problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Citalopram problem

    I have been taking Citalopram for 7 weeks now and to be quite honest I don't feel any better, in fact I think I was slightly better before I started on them. I was put on Propanolol just over a week ago and I don't know if there was some kind of reaction with the Citalopram but 2 days ago I could hardly walk, I looked and felt totaly drugged up, I can honestly say it is the worst I've ever felt, I've stopped taking the Propanolol and cut the Citalopram down to 10mg from 20mg.
    I am starting to feel a bit more human now but tired and a little groggy.
    Has anyone known anything like this before.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi chris

    i was on citalopram for 4 wks, and my panics got much worse or so i thought, didnt think it was working so gp gave me paroxetine as i had had it before.
    not too sure if the citaloprram would of worked if i had left it a bit longer, i now think that iwas acutely anxious and just desperatte to feel better.

    since i have been on paroxetine i would say ive only felt better in the last few days, been on it for nearly 6 wks.

    gp did tell me it can take 3 mths for ssris to work
    love Longie

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Chris - I'm on escitalopram and can relate to the whole wobbly/weak legs thing. Been on them for 12 days and have had days were I can walk for England and days were even walking downstairs is difficult. I do think that after we have experienced wobbly legs it can stick in our memory and be recalled in a flash - after all wobbly/weak legs is a symptom of anxiety - adrenelin floods our legs. Did your GP tell you to cut your meds down to 10mg ?

  4. #4
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    Hi Dizzy,
    No I've just cut them down myself, I've been thinking for a while they aren't doing much good, I'm seeing my GP next week and I'll tell her all about it. I will certainly not cut them out all at once.
    It wasn't just wobbly legs, I really felt terrible, I was walking through a busy town and I thought I was going to pass out, I felt better today I managed to go to Morrisons and cut the lawns, even so I feel really washed out now and shaky.
    I still think it was also to do with starting the Propanolol a week ago, I have also been waking up struggling for breath on a night at times, also tight chested sometimes.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    Yep - I've had all that. Feel as if I will pass out just sat at dining table. Well done you for going shopping and doing the Lawns.....good on you! X

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    all the symtons you have mentioned sound very much like the existing anxiety
    shaky legs, aches feeling of weakness all result from our bodies being copmpeted exhausted fafter being on red alert for so long
    have you read dr claire weekes essential help for your nerves, it is a fantastic self help book and very thorough in explaining the stages of stess leading to anxiety love Longie

    ps i would stay on 20 mg until you see your gp, ssris are known for withdrawal symptons,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hello Chris,

    You symptoms sounds like they could be caused because your body is still getting used to the med. I do think that you should talk to your GP before lowering your dosage..


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi chris

    I totally struggled first time with this one and vowed never again, but at the end of the day the options seemed to be dwindling so tried again and it worked for me. 7 weeks is quite a good shot at it so i would go back to your gp and see what they think, they may have an alternative.

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    i am the citrolapram queen lol, been on off it for years at first it does really space you out but that wears off, ive tried a few things but always gone back to that, im off it now without any withdrawls and feeling good so hang in there good luck take care xxx

    kairen x

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