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Thread: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    Dr. Google has given me every disease from Lupus to Cancer....Turns out I do have a disease....Health Anxiety....Die Dr. Google, die!!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    people using this site should not look up things on google..all information is available on here..after all we are all in the same marching people.x
    2 morrow is another day.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    once when I had really bad palpitations I began reading about them on google, after an hour or so I was already reading about asystole. Thinking about it made me laugh actually, because by the time I finished reading about every possible heart disease, I was calm like a baby.

  4. #24

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    You know what? I can go a few days without googling my symptoms. But then somedays I feel so bad that I can't wait for a doctor so I have to. Or worse... the NHS website. I'm sorry, but every time I click on an issue there, it flashes up "EMERGENCY - DIALL 999" and that really doesn't help.

    I found a great book though, some people have said it would either make me worse or calm me down. It does neither... merely reassures me that I probably won't die just yet. It's Dr Apples Symptoms Dictionary... I think that's what it's called.

    A lot of my symptoms are in there with probable, possible and rare causes. It's great. It just means I don't jump directly to cancer, stroke, HIV, Meningitis... you name it, I've probably thought I've had it.

    Google just makes me go straight to the bad things.

    I think my doctor hates me, because I'm in almost every week feeling anxious about one pain or another.. all because google tells me I am not a well person!!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    Quote Originally Posted by ubermod View Post
    Right, i've been a member a few weeks now but like all here i've fallen trap to looking up symptoms on google....... PEOPLE THIS MUST STOP!!! we are making ourselves worse, i know we are only trying to put our minds at ease but we all know what it makes us think, yep the "C" word. Post after post i'm reading about how you've all looked on google and how its made you freak and rush to the doctors thinking you're dying. Its a healthy thing to want to know whats wrong with us but all advice out there isn't from professional sources.

    Its time us health anxiety sufferers got Dr Google struck off!!

    Post for newbies how searching the web has made you feel worse and lets try and stop people doing it and learn from our mistakes.
    Just to add my agreement, trouble is, I find, is time, if it is 2am and you need an answer, and I guess I am like almost everyone else, it is answers we seek, where else do you go? I have what I hope and am trying to convince myself is IBS at the moment, so I made an appointment to see my Doc, cant see her, so will see another Doc, 10 DAYS before I can get in!! OK so ring NHS Direct, all they really do, in my opinion, is take a few details and say " see your Doctor", Of course they cannot diagnose over the phone, so where to turn?.....................mmmmm.................I know lets Google it and see what it says, Bad thing to do, but sometimes it is the only thing, well apart from this excellent site I guess. So I agree whole heartedly what the point is and I admit I am a patient at Dr Googles surgery, but as I say what else to do when you need an answer?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrismascray View Post
    Just to add my agreement, trouble is, I find, is time, if it is 2am and you need an answer, and I guess I am like almost everyone else, it is answers we seek, where else do you go? I have what I hope and am trying to convince myself is IBS at the moment, so I made an appointment to see my Doc, cant see her, so will see another Doc, 10 DAYS before I can get in!! OK so ring NHS Direct, all they really do, in my opinion, is take a few details and say " see your Doctor", Of course they cannot diagnose over the phone, so where to turn?.....................mmmmm.................I know lets Google it and see what it says, Bad thing to do, but sometimes it is the only thing, well apart from this excellent site I guess. So I agree whole heartedly what the point is and I admit I am a patient at Dr Googles surgery, but as I say what else to do when you need an answer?
    I have hilighted part of this quote because i think it is absolutely the reason we all "Google" we need an instant answer and there is no one to help us
    and when NHS tell you to phone 999 when we know in our hearts we are not that ill - we just wanted someone to say "no you are fine it is just ........... " and we say "Oh thank you, I was so afraid you have really put my mind at rest "
    As Chrismascray says at 2am or even daytime if you have HA you need and INSTANT answer and that is not possible unless YOU GOOGLE
    That said Nicola or your team would it be possible to make your "Problems and Issues" more prominent ???? you have a lot of answers to our questions in there... I just wonder how often people find it? or know what is in there???
    Best wishes to you all

  7. #27

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    Ok Chrismascray and june do have a point,

    When you suffer from health anxiety sometimes you do want fast answers to put your mind and rest, but really we all know Google isn't the place to turn to (even at 2 in the morning) all we are doing is feeding our anxiety by letting our minds think we are more ill than we actually are. We arn't medical professionals and for us self diagnosis is possibly the worst thing we can do and by using Google we will never be better off because it makes us panic more and this will cause us to worry until we finally see the doctor. So wouldn't it be better in the long run just to wait for the appointment anyway?

    I've suffered on and off with heath anxiety for 16 years and i have many older family members who have also suffered, but one thing is true, before the ability to Google self diagnose, people were not worring themselves over things they would never of even thought they had and seeing the doctor was the only SAFE option, and i believe still is..... Stop Dr Googling people!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    "before the ability to Google "
    Families were more close knit - we had friends and neighbours that we chatted to.
    The art of friendly conversation where if there was a worry it was discussed in the family and / or with friends you trusted.
    You saw the milk man or the baker - even the postman said "hello"
    And you shopped in a "proper shop"
    There was not the same type fear that we have today - the constant reminders of death and destruction every 24 hours. WE NEVER get a break from it.
    Even when I was young and run ragged with caring for my family and my aunts and uncles - I always knew i could pop into xxxxx for a cup of tea and unwind for an hour.
    Now the TV is on and conversation is about The news or 'soaps' etc
    Even if you do voice your fears today you are thought of as a whinger so you suffer in silence and have a quiet chat with "Dr Google" who else will help?????
    At least with "Dr Google" no one is going to call your fears stupid or laugh at you and tell you that you are exagerating - "get over it" Etc.etc.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    Hey all,

    I have been avoiding Dr. Google for the past 3 weeks now and have found that it has made me much, much better with my health anxiety! I have found that, if you see a real doctor and explain to them that you suffer with health anxiety, 9 times out of 10 they will go out of their way to reassure you in every way possible that your symptoms are not life threatening.

    I have recently had some terrible problems 'down below' and, after googling, decided it was something seriously wrong with my womb and that I was not going to be able to have kids and was going to die a slow and painful death...

    I went to the doctors who, after ruling out a simple water infection, sent me to the hospital for an X-ray and an ultrasound, and found that it was nothing more than kidney stones!

    (For those of you that don't know about kidney stones, they can be excrutiatingly painful but are completely harmless; mine were little ones and as such they hurt me but don't cause the slightest bit of damage! They go away by themselves and all you have to do is drink more water!)

    Doctor google diagnosed me with everything under the sun that was untreatable, nasty and life threatening, and was 100% WRONG.

    Don't google guys. Please. Don't google.

    Danny xxx
    ‎"I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else." - Winston Churchill

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: "Dr google will see you now!!!"

    If I feel the need to 'google' I now come on here - everyone is so helpful and 9 times out of 10 someone has had your problem and can reassure you its not life threatening.

    Giving you enough breathing space until you get to see the DR


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