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Thread: New to Effexor XR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    New to Effexor XR

    My first time on the forum and have spent a few days researching what else happened to others with medication.

    After 5 years on Seroxat (Paxil) i said I would never take an antidepressant again in my life.........2 years later my life was being ruled by depression and anxiety.

    6 months of Ciprolex made me feel human again although I never had any lift in me.

    Now after coming to terms that I need help I have been prescribed Effexor 75mg and CBT. Took my first tablet yesterday about midday and trippedout for the next 24 hours. When is it better to take them am or pm?? I'm worried about my appetite too as I am losing weight before I even get going. I will hopefully up date my experiences with this drug. After 16 years there must be light at the end of the tunnel.[xx(]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi snowman

    Welcome to the forum.

    There are quite a few posts about Effexor on this site.

    Try this one ..

    Efexor ?

    Sorry they didn't agree with you but you may get some answers for other people's post. You can also use the search facility at the top of the page.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi there, bear with effexor, side effects only last few days and you wont have any side effects then , love april x


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Snowman,
    How did you find it coming off the seroxat? I was on it for about the same amount of time as you but a yr of that was withdrawing..had a really bad time. Have not been right since coming off it completey which was 6 mnths ago now! G.P. offered me venlafaxine but i refused it cos i've read it also has bad withdrawal effects and i could'nt face all that again! about 2 weeks ago i was given citalopram but only coped a week on this ..felt it made me worse! With anti-depressants it's trial and error what suits one dont suit all ..but on the other hand most have side effects that can make you feel worse at first but subside after a few weeks. I've had bad experience with quiet a few meds prior to taking the seroxat.. prozac made me feel dreadful , sertraline was just as bad. Some of us have a tougher time adjusting to these chemicals and it's awful when you know you need something to help with your anxiety/depression and you feel that something is making you feel worse.
    If you can cope with side effects for a few weeks then try to stick it out ..otherwise go back to G.P. and explain that you dont think the one your taking is suitable ..they are use to it alot of people try many drugs before they find one that agrees with them ..others are lucky and have no probs at all. Hope you get sorted take care Luv Jodie

    J Baker

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