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Thread: Welcome

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    Welcome to the NoMorePanic Message Forum.

    Please take the time to read this Welcome message as it contains some important information regarding your membership on No More Panic.

    This website and forum is completely free. We do not charge you to join the forum, chat room or play the games and we do not charge you to read and download any of the website content. We believe that all forms of help should be free and easily available. If a site asks you to pay then you may want to questions their motives.
    We do not guarantee miracle cures but we assure you that you will meet like minded people and get all the support and advice you want.

    This Message Forum is open to anyone who feels that they may benefit from reading the experiences of others, get advice and tips on coping, learn new techniques, tell us how you recovered and even those people that are able to help others when they are not sufferers themselves.

    Firstly - don't be overwhelmed by the size of the forum. There are different forums (and sub-forums) for various problems and I appreciate that it will take time to look around and get a "feel" for the place. If you want to know how to post, reply or do most things on here then please read the "sticky" threads at the top of the forum entitled "Contacting NMP with comments, questions & concerns, How To's and Technical help". Those threads should contain everything you need to know.

    The administrators of the forum are all here to ensure the smooth running and they can do such things as reset passwords, move or remove and edit posts. If we feel that a thread has been added to the wrong forum then we will move it to the appropriate one.

    Useful tips:

    At the very top of the page is a "Search facility". If you want to find all posts about a particular subject then enter the relevant keywords. You may find that someone has already posted a reply to your question. Please use this frequently so we avoid too many duplicated threads on the site. I spend a lot of time directing people to things that we have already covered and they can be easily found by searching for them. Thanks.

    If you click on "active topics" (at the top of the page), you will see all new posts since your last visit. You can change this to view posts in the last hour or up to the last 2 months. It is useful to use when you come back to the site and can see who has posted since you were last there.

    Please try to make your Subject as informative as you can. A topic of "hello" or "help" does not give anyone an indication of what the thread may be about. It is easier to browse through the topics if the subject expresses what it is about. Please try not to post the same message under several topics as it is hard to collate all the replies then.

    It would really help if your first post was under the topic of "Introduce Yourself" and include such info as "what you suffer from", "what medication you are on", "what help you have had etc". It is easier then for us to target specific replies to you. We are also interested to know how you found the site.

    You can change your "profile", including your email address, at any time by clicking on "Quick Links" and then "User Control Panel" at the top of the page.

    Please make some time to read the most recent posts under the "Announcements" forum.

    Please read the website pages (down the left hand side) as there is loads of information and advice and this should be your first place of viewing on here.

    No More Panic is paid for by myself and relies on donations and sales from the online shop. You can donate or visit the online shop by clicking on links on the left hand side of the page near the top.

    Finally - the boring but necessary bits you need to know:

    1) Please respect other forum members and make sure you read the forum rules at:

    2) We do not allow members to sign up purely to advertise their own services, products or post links to any sites that we have not yet verified. If these are posted in your signature or on one of your posts then they will be removed.

    3) Please note that we also do not allow people to sign up purely to advertise websites offering cures for money and/or affiliates of such sites and these will be removed if posted in your main post or in the signature.

    I hope you enjoy your visit here and find answers to at least some of your questions.

    Last edited by nomorepanic; 29-09-13 at 20:29.

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