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Thread: The good, bad and ugly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    The good, bad and ugly

    Hi everyone, i first registered last year but since then haven't really felt the need to return until now. Sounds silly i know, especially when i know that there are so many of us suffering and finding it difficult to find that light at the end of a very long tunnel. I suffered from anxiety on and off for the past 10 years, and although at first i put it down to stress, its only the past 2 years that i have found it has got hold of me in a way i still to this day do not understand. My anxiety rockets at the thought of having to go out alone which sets of the panic that eventually leads to me not being able to go anyware. I went back to my GP who told me i'm now sufferring from mild agorophbia?! I now feel like my life is slowly being sucked from my body until eventually they'll be nothing left. I gave my job up last year which was one of the hardest decisions i had to make because i thought i'd work until i reach that grand old age. Now i just feel whats the point? this is no life and i hate myself for it.

    Takecare everyone


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jeanette,

    Doesn't sound silly. The site is here for whenever you need it and that's hopefully not continually.

    Your GP is right . As you say 'My anxiety rockets at the thought of having to go out alone which sets of the panic that eventually leads to me not being able to go anyware.' It's your thought processes that are leading you down that path..

    The only solution is to Just Do It with no regard for your feelings. They are simply a false fire alarm going off within you nad the more you take note and stop doing things the more you will get fearful feeings and intrusive disturbing thoughts.

    If you feel you can't do it alone than an SSRI can give you the break but the path is the same .

    The secret is time without incident whilst under the stress.

    ie: if your fear is fainting in a shop , then the more times you go to the shop and don't faint the easier it gets and the less you feel the fear . You can adapt and apply this to any fear.

    It's all about the fear and thought law of probabilities. As you go and do it , then next time you may say- well I survived once but this time my number might be up, but as you go again and survive yet again.. with time and practice, you can change your thoughts to - it's been fine every time this year and so it will proabably be fine this time too and switch the 'probable' focus.

    Good luck. We know how hard this is.


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jeanette

    Good to see you came back and to find some more help and maybe pick you up again.

    Can you set yourself little tasks to do each day. Not too demanding but small things such as go for a walk, even just down the road and back and then try it again and again.

    I know it sounds like hard work but try some exercise in the home - some stretches and walking up and down the stairs - get rid of some of that adrenalin and help you get fit too!

    Please don't give up just yet - keep on going and you will get there. Just take is slowly and congratualte yourself on every achievement.

    Good luck


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