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Thread: Haven't been to the doctors for more than two years. Crying over next appointment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Haven't been to the doctors for more than two years. Crying over next appointment

    How do I bite the bullet and just go to the doctors for my regular check-up? I'm scared of finding out results.

    I'm scared. I haven't been to my PCP for more than two years and I'm scared that I have diabetes and uncontrolled hypertension. I'm only 33.

    For the longest time, I've had elevated blood pressure whenever they cuff me up. My cardiologist thinks it's largely whitecoat hypertension (getting nervous at the doctors). They normally take my blood pressure three to four times before it goes down to normal levels.

    Had ECG, lab work more than two years ago which were all normal except slightly elevated cholesterol (doc didn't want to put me on meds back then because diet and exercise were just enough).

    That said, hypertension and diabetes do run in the family so there's that.

    I also feel I have diabetes now because for the past few. months I've been getting frequent ingrown hairs on my thighs and chest where I don't even shave. And now I am down with some virus with congested nose and body aches.

    I have finally had the courage to schedule an appointment on the 2nd week of June for a check up and laboratory work. But every day I always wake up feeling I want to postpone or cancel it.

    I have already thought about taking maintenance meds should the results warrant it but the process of going to the docs and waiting for results and accepting the lab results are just something I cannot go through.

    I know I should be thankful that I have this opportunity to look into my health and change thiings for the better should they find something, but my HA thinks it's all doom and gloom. That the doctors will finally confirm my worst fears and that I will never be the same again.

    If anybody can offer some positive experience or advice, I'd gladly take them. I'm in such a bad place now.

  2. #2

    Re: Haven't been to the doctors for more than two years. Crying over next appointment

    I totally get it. Seriously. I understand because I pretty much freak out over doctors appointments as well. What has gotten me through it is thinking that at least I'm being proactive...that if something is found, it's found early enough to be treatable. So there's that.

    On the plus side, you are young and healthy and had a good check up last time. The odds of another good check up are way in your favor.

    I'm going through my own HA hell right now so I totally get the thought process, the dread, all of it. Most "normal" people don't feel the same as we do. Aren't they lucky? But no matter how you feel mentally, the results will be what they are - and my prediction is that all is well. If something were off in any way, you'd get it sorted with your doctor.

    Hang in there. I totally get it. I should take my own advice and I don't so...I get it. All I can say is try to only allow yourself to dwell on it for a short time and then get on with your day. Distract yourself somehow. Keep us posted okay? We're here for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Haven't been to the doctors for more than two years. Crying over next appointment

    I feel for you. I got bloods done last year and it was a week of pure anxiety waiting (in Belgium where I'm from you get your results in 2 days, in Ireland it's a week!)
    So being my age I thought I wouldn't have to for another 2 years. My GP also recommended that to me. But because I've been dealing with some weird physical symptoms, my GP wanted me to have bloods done again this year. I've been to the GP 7 times so far this year and she didn't mention it, until a few weeks ago. I nearly crumbled. I was like noooooooo, not bloods again!
    But after a gruelling week of waiting with anxiety, it all came back clear! And to no one's surprise, my weird symptoms are all anxiety.
    Just to say it's so anxiety inducing to get a check up. But there is such great relief when you get the ok, so try to hold onto that feeling.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Haven't been to the doctors for more than two years. Crying over next appointment

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyP123 View Post
    I totally get it. Seriously. I understand because I pretty much freak out over doctors appointments as well. What has gotten me through it is thinking that at least I'm being proactive...that if something is found, it's found early enough to be treatable. So there's that.

    On the plus side, you are young and healthy and had a good check up last time. The odds of another good check up are way in your favor.

    I'm going through my own HA hell right now so I totally get the thought process, the dread, all of it. Most "normal" people don't feel the same as we do. Aren't they lucky? But no matter how you feel mentally, the results will be what they are - and my prediction is that all is well. If something were off in any way, you'd get it sorted with your doctor.

    Hang in there. I totally get it. I should take my own advice and I don't so...I get it. All I can say is try to only allow yourself to dwell on it for a short time and then get on with your day. Distract yourself somehow. Keep us posted okay? We're here for you.
    Thank you so much for your response, Penny. I really do envy people who don't feel overly worried about these standard checks, let alone diseases. It's just like a normal part of life.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Haven't been to the doctors for more than two years. Crying over next appointment

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparkling_Fairy View Post
    I feel for you. I got bloods done last year and it was a week of pure anxiety waiting (in Belgium where I'm from you get your results in 2 days, in Ireland it's a week!)
    So being my age I thought I wouldn't have to for another 2 years. My GP also recommended that to me. But because I've been dealing with some weird physical symptoms, my GP wanted me to have bloods done again this year. I've been to the GP 7 times so far this year and she didn't mention it, until a few weeks ago. I nearly crumbled. I was like noooooooo, not bloods again!
    But after a gruelling week of waiting with anxiety, it all came back clear! And to no one's surprise, my weird symptoms are all anxiety.
    Just to say it's so anxiety inducing to get a check up. But there is such great relief when you get the ok, so try to hold onto that feeling.
    Thank you, fairy. I'm glad everything went good with your check up. I will try to hold on to the feeling of whatever relief that will come after.

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