I am really really scared. My right ankle is swollen and it's swollen even in the morning when I wake up and I've read that's a really bad sign. Cirrhosis comes to my mind because I take paracetamol on a daily basis for years. Also heart disease or kidney failure because of the paracetamol.
I am obese but it would be on both legs then if it's not serious. I've had that on both legs on summer seven years ago but not just one leg.

Please someone tell me do you think it's serious? It's been two weeks sincce I've noticed that and I tried not to worry but I can't. Dent is really visible and big when I press, just on ankle.

I had a rouentgen 2020, I had a stomach bug and vomiting brown so they took a roentgen of my abdomen and said that liver is fine but that's not an ultrasound, I don't know if I have cirrhosis, my grandpa had it from alcoholism when he was really old and ended up with a liver cancer and died a horrible death.