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Thread: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Yep, migraines is the first thing I thought of. When I was diagnosed with them 20 years ago, I was convinced I had a brain tumour. My GP asked me to describe the pain and I did and said: and always on one side, that's what's so weird! And he said: that's a migraine. Migraines are 90% of the time on one side of your head.
    Mine also usually on the right side, but I have them on the left sometimes too. They always start behind my eye, and if I don't treat them they pull all the way to the back of my head over one side. Definitely not a brain tumour!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    Saw my lovely GP this morning. Sat with her for another 25 minutes. She felt the lump on the top of my head and said it's more than likely a cyst. Talked through the headaches that aren't really going and she still believe it's all stress related. She brought up the brain scan and my thoughts and I told her that I've decided not to right now; my decision comes from the fact I believe getting a scan is basically feeding my health anxiety and she told me for what it's worth that she totally agrees and she thought I'd made the right decision. If I do change my mind she said she'll happily refer me so if things do get worse (and fingers crossed they won't!), I've got that safety net there. Talked through different anxiety meds and she suggested I do some research/have a think about potentially starting some. Seeing her again in another couple of weeks.

  3. #23

    Re: Brain tumour fear has taken over my life.

    I am kind of going through the same thing. Since Wednesday of last week I’ve been waking up with a headache. It is always one sided.
    Mostly my right side. Headache that’s mostly behind my eye, sore neck, w little pain in front of my ear where the jaw is.. ibuprofen isn’t helping at all. Seems to get better as the day goes on and comes back before bed. Today I woke up and it’s right side instead of left. I get headaches sometimes but never like this and normally ibuprofen makes it go completely away. Not sure what is happening this time.

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