Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
Funnily enough me and my dad were driving through the southernmost part of town yesterday and I noticed some recent tags bearing the line 'B44', which is a potential clue to the area these phantom taggers targeting our area must hail from (possibly somewhere around South Birmingham).

I thought a lot of this 'postcode war' lark had petered out a few years back but it seems like it's still alive and well in this particular instance. Could also possibly be County Liners doubling up as serial taggers outside of their own manor.

Back in the 90s (and before) most of those tagging in our area were the local yob element (ditto for most other towns and cities) and many of those local yobs of yesteryear would have probably turned vigilantes and chased a lot of these outside taggers and/or County Liners out of town, even if they routinely indulged in likewise criminal practices 'from within'.

Just my personal perception.
Just to put the record straight, while the presence of things like graffiti tags can often give a false impression of any area, our borough isn't actually ridden with vicious criminal gangs per se, which may often seem so at face value.

Ditto for neighbouring Lichfield and also Burton, who have also suffered various episodes of tagging from 'outsiders' over the past year or so.