Thank you PK - I am also sorry for your loss and agree with fishman, she looked like a lovely lady.

Thanks, Fishman. I don't often feel very gutsy, but then I think that is probably even more a sign of true bravery - if you're not afraid, what reason is there to be brave? I think about that with Chisum a lot; he's probably the bravest dog I've had, because so much scares him and he often pushes it through it anyway.

Thank you, too, Darksky. Whatever happens, happens at the end of it all. My boss was up for an internal promotion a year or two ago and they selected someone else; it was a little awkward but we got on. If I am not selected, I think I'll see what restructuring looks like for my current position (supposed to be a pay raise, but we will see and how much) and if I'm not satisfied, I'll start applying to similar positions elsewhere. I did a quick search today and it looks like there are several similar positions elsewhere, and remote as well.

Either way, it will be nice to just have it over with. This has been dragging on for months in all and that's exhausting, but apparently not uncommon in higher education.