Sorry to hear you are having a hard time.

It sometimes takes a while for things to settle after a bug or food poisoning.

On BP I empathize as in middle of my own drama there. Mine was VERY high. I can't say the numbers high! Am now on 2 pills but still send it sky high with worry and panic as am having to have it checked lots to see how the meds are going. Negative Nelly that I am I have all the what ifs. It's totally working against me at the moment. Its a v tricky one for us anxious types I think because we tend to want absolutes and BP moves about constantly. It is also so easily affected by how we feel and it can just be a quite unpleasant experience.

Rational me can say what my Dad said to me though. It's very treatable. Yes, you have to take meds but many do. I cannot always believe that at the 'feeling' level, but I know deep down that's true. Am trying to use it as a learning moment and hope one day whacking on a BP cuff will hold no fear for me.

Be kind to yourself. Check in to see if other stressors have taken you into this catastrophizjng space again and see if there is anything you can do to help that maybe?