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Thread: Brain zaps sometimes quasi-constant?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Question Brain zaps sometimes quasi-constant?

    Alright, my question is twofold, but ANY feedback on either one of my questions will be extremely appreciated:

    First off, I am slowly tapering off an SSRI, so it's most obviously the cause, and I've experienced this for the same reason even 16 years ago (I'm 42). And lately I've had them on & off, and sometimes more intense and/or often.

    1 - Frequency : I've read on brain zaps and they all seem to suggest they only last for a fraction of a second. While that is true in my case, have any of you ever experienced it where you can be dozens of minutes or even hours sometimes, but that the small "peaks" it can happen very successively?

    Like, there are some that I experience maybe 1-3 per second, and they last a while. They are more easily triggerable when I move about or (I tested) if I stay still and only move my eyes, it can also happen.

    My concern is not that they happen at all, I've been there before. But rather that they happen very successively. Like I must've had – without counting – anywhere between 50 and 100 since I started writing this. They also often appear to happen at the same time as my pulse, although that's beside the point.

    2 - Extension to limbs (kind of) :
    I don't suspect anyone who might relate to this one but they sometimes seem to extend to my arms. Has anyone of you ever experienced that?

    Thanks for all your time

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Brain zaps sometimes quasi-constant?

    Hi there, I have head zaps from time to time, usually when the anxiety is high or it as been high and I’m calming down, each one can feel different, some are mild whilst some can be intense, they are the scary ones....

    It would suggest to me as your tapering off your meds that could be the primary cause of the constant head zaps your having as you said it happened last time you came off them 16 years ago.

    Its going to take time for your body to adjust, especially if you’ve been on medication a long time, are you doing it with your drs knowledge and if so he/she could advise you of the temporary side effects of stopping them.

    When I’ve had an intense head zap it can affect my whole body, yes it’s only seconds for the zap but the after affects, like a dizzy feeling etc can last longer and even more so if the anxiety spikes or you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Brain zaps sometimes quasi-constant?

    Quote Originally Posted by YoullNeverWalkAlone View Post
    are you doing it with your drs knowledge and if so he/she could advise you of the temporary side effects of stopping them.
    Quote Originally Posted by YoullNeverWalkAlone View Post

    Sorry for late reply, a lot been going on lately. Saw your reply the other day and was really happy to read it, thanks a lot, hugely appreciated.

    Yes, Dr. (and pharmacist) is completely aware about it. Now at Day 4 of 0 mg !!! My pharmacist said the two last steps (last increment and 0) might be a little rougher so I stretched the last step on 2 weeks instead of 1. Got the symptoms on & off but pretty confident it'll replace itself like it did in the past.

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