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Thread: Working myself up big time .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Working myself up big time .

    Two weeks ago I woke to extreme gas , pain and rumbling in my lower abdomen. I thought that's fine be gone when I wake up but it continued on for days along with feeling really full quickly, nausea , and constipation and loose stools (mixed ) the bloating and gas is so bad I look pregnant and last night my intestines felt like they were going to jump out of my stomach or like there was an alien invasion going on like something wriggling inside my colon and furious spasms very uncomfortable 😣 burning pain around belly button area too, extremely bloated even tho I have cut out chocolate and have barely been eating at all and still all this is going on . I had a colonoscopy nine years ago . I'm so stressed about this .I don't know if me worrying about it all makes it worse. I'm worried it colon cancer but I did read that is slow developing but it was nine years ago so it's possible. So bloating , extreme cook spasms , nausea , burning pain , gas and lack of appetite for two weeks now . 😣😣😣

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: Working myself up big time .

    I've had a stomach flu that lasted 5 days
    Couldn't eat
    Gas pain, wind and bubbling gas pain
    Feeling weak etc
    I feel fine now but my stool is like sand colour
    I just had bloods done and my liver has come back raised so need to repeat it in a week so my anxiety through roof but was told this can be normal following a stomach virus,
    Have you brought a stool sample to Dr? As I know in England this stomach flu is making its rounds

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Working myself up big time .

    I haven't . I'm going to make an appointment tho as it's going on two weeks . I don't think it's stomach flu , as I had that before and I'd be vomitting and bad cramps etc this is more bloating , gas , colon spasms and just feeling all round off the spasms feel like twitching on the inside and was very aggressive last night , also extremely noisy sounds daily. It's causing distress thinking the worst 😩😩 maybe I'm hyper focusing too much but the feeling of something wriggling around your guts is horrendous. I did have an abdominal ultrasound three weeks ago which was clear but doubt they scanned the digestive system

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: Working myself up big time .

    Anxiety is the worse honestly, I went in a spiral after I lost my dad in 2020 of a heart attack

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Working myself up big time .

    Sorry to hear that . I lost my mother two years ago to bile duct cancer and it was so unexpected and sudden , she was fine within four weeks of diagnosis, then ten days later my sister collapsed with a ruptured brain aneurysm and is in a nursing home for the rest of her life unable to speak or move . Life is honestly so hard and yeah the anxiety of everything magnifies everything by 100 😣

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