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Thread: GP breast checks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    GP breast checks

    Hi everyone,
    I have been down the breast anxiety since December and eventually went to my GP just after Christmas where she did a full breast exam with nothing concerning felt. She had me back end of Jan for a recheck and again nothing worrying. We discussed at my appointment that while my anxiety is high and when I check myself I find something to cause me panic that she will check me every 8-10 weeks.
    It’s now coming up to my 9 weeks appointment and I’m so anxious I just want to go and check my self but I know il end up in a panic and it’s only 10 day’s until the professional sees me.
    My worry is -8-10 weeks is too long between checks !
    Would you think this is a good time frame between seeing her?
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: GP breast checks

    Hi there —

    We seem to be sharing the similar worry!!

    I honestly think you shouldn’t be worried. Your dr is on top of it and it’s very unlikely she will find anything if she’s seeing you that regularly. I understand the anxiety you’re feeling though but you are so lucky to have found a dr who is helping you manage your anxiety as well.

    I have been on & off obsessed with breast cancer since finding a lump (which was a fibroid) in 2016. Since then I’ve been terrified of mammograms, spent 6 months worried about arm pit pain another 6 months worrying about pain in my left breast… worry about boils and weird pimples and nipple size and you name it, I’ve worries about. I worry about other things in between, but it always comes back to breast cancer.

    My rule of thumb is I don’t check my breasts because they’re large and fibrocystic so there’s always something but last month I checked when my arm was held up in a weird position and then thought I felt something. My husband says he feels something on both sides but Im not sure and am afraid to touch again. I made an appt and then cancelled as I was trying to sit my anxiety but not running to the drs…. however my anxiety has quadrupled and I’ve spent most days terrified and crying whenever I’m alone.

    I just had a mammogram in November and having been going annually for the last few years.

    Now I feel that until I go to the dr, I won’t have any relief but I’m also worried he’ll send me for testing. I feel so stuck and wish I hadn’t cancelled. Instead of minimizing my anxiety, the only thing that has happened is now I’m absolutely terrified.

    When is your appt?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: GP breast checks

    Thank you for replying and I’m sorry you’re also going down this spiral.
    I don’t think it would be unreasonable for you to go to the GP and have them check out your concern. If your husband feels it’s pretty symmetrical then that’s also a really positive sign.
    It took me a while to finaly go to see my GP and was very lucky with the lady I got I just worry when the appointment is coming up what she might find.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: GP breast checks

    Thank you for responding. Just remind yourself that you just had them checked and most women go annually. I saw from your other post that you have been able to space out the appts a bit - you should continue to make the checks another month apart every time if you can.

    I completely understand what you’re going through and know you will be fine!!

    At this point I’m going to have to go to the drs as I’m so worked up and anxious about all of it that I’m hardly functioning. I’m just terrified now of him se don’t me for a follow up and then discovering something. This HA is a beast!

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