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Thread: Brain Shaking, vibrating when laying down at night, Causing Sever panic and insominia

  1. #1

    Brain Shaking, vibrating when laying down at night, Causing Sever panic and insominia

    No idea what is going on with me but this is truly the worst thing I have ever gone through. Been under some stress lately because of my personal life, but actually thought my panic was getting better and then I get hit with this

    For about a week or two I have the weirdest most distressing thing ever. When I attempt to lay down at night, the second I put my head on the pillow it feels like an earthquake inside it. Like it is literally shaking uncontrollably inside my head and I cannot make it stop. It is much worse when I am laying on my sides and when I sit at my desk or walk around I don't feel it throughout the day but the second I lay down on the pillow it is there and doesn't stop.

    Had a CT scan at ER couple nights ago and that was clear, so not sure what is going on. Now, I can't sleep. Like I am literally getting like 2-3 hours a sleep a night which of course is freaking me out even more, but I can't fall asleep cause al I feel is this shaking.

    What is going on? DO I have a neurological disease> MS? Parkinson's?
    How do I stop it?
    How do I sleep?
    Has anyone gone through this?

  2. #2

    Re: Brain Shaking, vibrating when laying down at night, Causing Sever panic and insom


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Brain Shaking, vibrating when laying down at night, Causing Sever panic and insom

    Is it possible that this is some kind of vertigo? i've never heard it described the way you're describing it, but lately I've been feeling like I'm floating on water as soon as I lay down with my eyes closed. I also don't feel it when walking around, just when lying down. It feels like my whole body is constantly moving. And my GP did some tests and said I have vertigo

  4. #4

    Re: Brain Shaking, vibrating when laying down at night, Causing Sever panic and insom

    Hi duke.
    This exact thing used to happen to me when my anxiety was at its worst, and like you I believed I had some form of neurological problem, had countless GP appointments over it. Turns out I had none of the above, I had health anxiety. It seems by your post you are spiralling, I strongly suggest calling your GP as soon as possible for some help with managing your HA, this is the best way to get rid of your brain shakes. When my anxiety was under control, so were my symptoms, it still comes back now when I’m stressed but I recognise it as just that, a symptom of my anxiety. I’m no doctor but can see you have been to the doctors and they have done the tests that they felt necessary & gave you the all clear, so it is highly likely you are experiencing HA symptoms.
    Please look at this link and I hope it can put your mind at rest:

    You’re not alone, scroll through the forums on this site and you’ll see how many others have had this symptom. Keep well xxx Alex xxx

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