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Thread: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    I know the stress I’ve been under lately has not helped my current situation. In January my 19 year old dog passed away, and I actually had a little meltdown because of it, then my car decided that it had not one problem wrong with it but several large issues that cost so much I had to get a loan to cover the costs because I rely on the car where I live and because I care for my parents.

    I have hypothyroidism which is normal, on Eltroxin for that, and I still take Half Bets Prograne for my anxiety. I’m 36yr old and started getting PVCs, had all the blood tests you could name and ecgs which were all normal and the PVCs weren’t a concern. Had s heart monitor but waiting for results of them. But I haven’t had many in the last couple weeks which has been a relief.

    Last few days though, about 5 days, I’ve had this on and off dizziness, I describe like your head feels stuffy or full, does that make sense? I can feel it at the temples near my ears. It started when I was walking back from the mechanics and I got what felt like a sudden rush of heat and then a spinning and unbalanced sensation. Of course I instantly my anxiety struck. Since then it’s been coming and going in waves throughout the day, mostly when I’m moving about and sometimes when I sit down. I also feel little aches in my head too but not like full blown headaches or anything.

    I’m just wondering what it is or what might be contributing to it. I spend a lot of time on my phone or tablet screen, and wondered if that was effecting my eyes maybe? I also don’t sleep very well or have broken sleep. Maximum for me would be 6 hours and that’s a good night. All the car stuff and money stuff hasn’t helped my stress levels. I also wondering if it was an inner ear problem, a blood pressure, or even Covid maybe?

    im trying not to think of the worst things possible, and it’s very hard not too. I don’t have any circles of people to talk too most days, I’m basically on my own almost all the time lately and it does cause overthinking and fixation thinking a lot. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone had or had anything similar or what it might sound like?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Today wasn’t as bad, but had more small pains come and my head, like little zaps. Had a dentist appointment, just routine checkup, thankfully my teeth don’t need anything doing. But walking around I could feel some of the dizziness or unbalance. Does it sound weird when I say it feels like your going to fall over or that it’s making you feel like it’s pulling you over or something. Not sure how to describe it. My thighs also feel tight and achy today, so I started thinking it’s an infection or something? Hopefully not Covid again, but I didn’t have dizziness when I had Covid last year.

    im not having no other symptoms, no sickness, diarrhoea, don’t seem to have a fever and not sure what my blood pressure is cause I don’t check it at home. Just odd pains in my head, the dizziness comes in waves when I’m up and about and sometimes when I’m sitting down or resting. The aches and tension in my legs only started today.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Today I had a few dizzy spells when I went to the shops and now I’m home. It does feel like my head is stuffy or woozy. My mum seems to have a cold or something, little cough too, so not sure if I’ve picked up a little bit of whatever she’s got, hopefully not but definitely feels like my head is spinning a bit on and off. Took a couple paracetamol but that’s mostly for the aches and pains. It feels like it’s at the front of my head and behind my nose area. I do feel slightly panicky about it but trying to get plenty of rest and drink water, eating too. I don’t seem to have any other symptoms but that woozy head feeling. It’s been going on for about 5 or 6 days now.

  4. #4
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    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Also, Google just gives me terrifying answers like "acute aortic regurgitation ", which I never even heard of, and meningitis, along with tumours and so on. So they didn’t help. I dunno, usually dizziness doesn’t last this long, it’s been nearly a week now. I’m resting plenty, and sometimes it seems to go away when I’m active, like earlier when I cleaned my car, I didn’t have a dizzy spell, but it came back when I sat down after. I’m drinking plenty of water, so I’m not dehydrated.

    I tried the Epley manoeuvre but not sure if I did it right lol
    Last edited by mischamoonlight; 23-03-24 at 16:34.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Well, mum definitely has a virus or something, did test, not Covid. My dad also has a little bit of a bug, and yesterday I didn’t have much dizziness but today I’ve had a couple of episodes where it felt like it came on suddenly, just randomly, it felt like the inside of my head was spinning and unbalanced. Not sure if it’s a knock off from whatever my mum has, maybe just a different symptom of the same virus or bug she’s got. I can be okay for like half an hour or hour and then the dizzy spell will attack me and it’s very unsettling and frightening.

  6. #6
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    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Mum went doctor today, she has some sort of virus, been given steroids and antibiotics and eye drops. She has mucus in her chest he could hear and her temperature is high. So I’ve put her on bed rest and making sure she is drinking lots of water and eating as well and just resting. Had some dizzy spells todays, feels like I’m on a boat or something, most of the time it feels like it’s coming from behind my nose or sinus area, eyes etc. I took my blood pressure at home (not sure how accurate wrist monitors are) but it seemed normal, 121/83. And my temp was 36.5/97.7 so that seems normal too. I’m wondering if it’s a slight bit of virus my mum has that I may have picked up with maybe spikes in stress or anxiety, causing my blood pressure to spike and then drop rapidly? I’m not sure, it’s just been frightening because it’s been on and off for a week now. I’ve had dizzy spells in the past, but not seemed to last this long.

    I took 2 paracetamol but that doesn’t seem to have helped, thought it might if it was inflammation or pain or anything. I’m also drinking plenty of water. Not sure what else it could be, if I Google I’m just going to spiral and it’ll usually be the worst things imaginable like aortic regurgitations, brain tumours and aneurysms etc. Think I’ll take it easy today and just care for my parents and make sure their all right. Sorry to bug anyone, don’t have anyone to talk to anymore, so Erykah lonely place these days.

    Could it be related to using my phone and tablet? Like too much screen time or scrolling? I did eventually Google and it did say about innner ear stuff too but it also had some pretty scary stuff as well that has kinda made me anxious. It isn’t constant, it comes in spells.
    Last edited by mischamoonlight; 26-03-24 at 19:03.

  7. #7

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Hello, I don't know if it's of any help but I am dizzy, lightheaded, afraid of falling etc. everyday. One day more than the other. And I know stress, like you had can certainly aggravate the symptoms.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Simon de Wit Hi, sorry to hear you’re having something similar too, it’s really exhausting. Yeah, it wasn’t too bad last night, I didn’t get a dizzy spell but today I’ve had a few, and I’ve been running around doing errands, getting medicine for my parents, grocery shopping and walking the dog, along with my own work, which is just admin work but my eyes are constantly looking at a computer screen. My back muscles are sore and tense, and my neck feels a little stiff, so I’m wondering if the way I’m sleeping isn’t helping. Definitely had that afraid of falling feeling today, like I was unbalanced or going to fall forward, which then makes me more stressed and anxious and I can’t concentrate on anything but that feeling.

    I think the longer it’s been going on the more anxious it’s made me, if it only lasted a day or two I think I’d be fine but now it has been 8 days, it’s just stressing me out more. Vicious cycle I guess. Maybe it’s adrenaline too going up and down, I dunno. I try stop myself from thinking of worse things it could be but it is hard when you run to Google sometimes and it brings back horrible things.

    Thanks for replying, and I hope yours eases for you and goes away soon.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Update: Had a bad episode yesterday while out shopping and made a last minute appointment to see a gp. She did all the tests, oxygen, blood pressure etc. Blood pressure was a bit high, but she said that could have been just the "white coat syndrome", and I could check it again even at the chemist/pharmacy over the next couple days to see if it changes. I have a home wrist bp but not sure how accurate they are. Took it today and it read 103/77. It’s one of those that says to hold level to your heart on your chest.

    anyway, tested for balance, ears etc, she gave me some betahistine/dihydrochloride 8mg to try for a few days, 3x daily and then 2 or just 1. Haven’t taken any yet, was okay last night and then today I’ve had a couple episodes. Not terrible, definitely not as bad as they’ve been but not sure if I’ve picked up a bit of the virus from my parents as I’ve had a dry/slightly mild sore throat, little bit of a cough. I’ll check my temperature later and update on that.

    anyway my balance is fine, ears fine etc. Just blood pressure was a little high, maybe it is just stress, I mean, I don’t feel stressed all day everyday, but subconsciously I could be with everything I think about. I have had some fleeting sharp pains in my head today, not lots but some. Yeah, still feel a little worried but more reassured after speaking with the doctor.

    Definitely feel a sore throat though. Trying to drink more water as I’ve noticed I’m not drinking much lately so trying my best not to get dehydrated.

    Yeah, don’t know what to make of this dizziness, or unbalanced woozy feeling.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    My temperature was 36.3, so no fever but my throat does feel a bit sore and I am having a bad dizzy spell. Don’t know whether it’s panic setting in, or the fact I’ve noticed how one eye seems more swollen (not massively) but seems compared to other eye. That’s what happened to my mum a couple days ago, she started to get a swollen eye but mine has seemed that way for a few days now. This is stressing me out so much, especially after going doctor yesterday, she looked at my eyes too and said they were fine.

    im starting to panic I’ve had a stroke or something.

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