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Thread: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

  1. #11

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    I think it’s immediate release? It doesn’t say anything about slow release and is just a regular tablet. I’ll see my prescriber tomorrow. I felt really nauseous for a good 6-7 hours after taking it today.

  2. #12

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    Well the luvox was rough. I did end up getting to 100 mg a day and felt like my mood actually was better, but my anxiety was not. Also I just continued to feel nauseous every day after 6 weeks. I wasn't loving my prescriber, so I got a second opinion from a highly recommended provider and ended up switching over to him. He took the time to really explain everything so clearly, including giving me several options he thought would be appropriate (i.e. stay the course, try an SNRI, try an SSRI) and gave me pros and cons of each. It felt really collaborative, which I appreciated. I chose to taper down and switch to cymbalta (duloxetine). I'm finally fully off the luvox as of last weekend and just on 60 mg of cymbalta. We chose this because I also deal with a lot of chronic pain. It's been going alright now that I'm off the luvox - no more nausea!! Unfortunately for 10 days I also was on an antibiotic that was very hard on my stomach an eventually led to full body hives too so all in all was not feeling great for some time. But here I am now on the other side of it hopefully.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by newb1234 View Post
    I'm finally fully off the luvox as of last weekend and just on 60 mg of cymbalta. We chose this because I also deal with a lot of chronic pain.
    Under the circumstances a reasonable choice. It'll be interesting to see how it works out. Please let us know how you're doing on it.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  4. #14

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Under the circumstances a reasonable choice. It'll be interesting to see how it works out. Please let us know how you're doing on it.
    Thank you! It's been interesting ... Apparently this week I have had antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. My prescriber met with me Friday and said this is likely what I am experiencing even with the cross-taper... that luvox can be one of the harder ones to come off of. I had about 4 days where I felt dizzy, headaches, was having really bad night sweats. I thought I was sick but I had no congestion or sore throat. My last luvox was last week so the timing I guess coincides. I think it's starting to get a little better but I still am a bit sweaty at night and sometimes a little light headed. He said we will keep an eye on it just in case it is actually the cymbalta but strongly thinkts its ADS. What fun!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by newb1234 View Post
    Apparently this week I have had antidepressant discontinuation syndrome.

    ...that luvox can be one of the harder ones to come off of.

    ...He said we will keep an eye on it just in case it is actually the cymbalta but strongly thinkts its ADS.
    It could be either. There's no way of telling. However, I suspect it is the duloxetine mostly because of the sweating. Duloxetine has a much greater affinity to dopamine transporter molecules than fluvoxamine and this is thought to be the main trigger for AD induced excessive sweating. Serotonin's effect on blood vessel tone, constriction and dilation may also play a part with duloxetine being one of the most serotonergic ADs. The other symptoms, dizziness and headaches are fairly common initial side-effects of most ADs. In most cases these side-effects diminish within a couple of weeks.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #16

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    Wow, that's interesting. Well whichever it was, I think it's getting better. I didn't sweat the last two nights knock on wood and the dizziness is way better than when I posted this. Hopefully I'm over the hump.

    You know so much - what is your education/background? I have learned quite a bit from you!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by newb1234 View Post
    Wow, that's interesting. Well whichever it was, I think it's getting better. I didn't sweat the last two nights knock on wood and the dizziness is way better than when I posted this. Hopefully I'm over the hump.
    Fortune seems to have smiled on you because the sweats can take weeks to resolve, or be ongoing.

    You know so much - what is your education/background? I have learned quite a bit from you!
    I have no background in medicine beyond a first aid certificate many years ago. My degrees are in subjects far removed from healing. What I know I've learned from 37 years of dealing with my own PD and the experiences of many others in support groups like this one, plus communicating with anxiety/depression researchers.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  8. #18

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    Hah, well I wonder if it’s because I am on clonodine too? Maybe that is helping with the sweats a little. I hope they don’t come back. I feel a little more normal this week.

    Honestly I have been around the block and then some with my own mental health and I work in the field. But I think my best training helping others is being a patient myself. Thanks for all your insights here.

  9. #19

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    Things are still much improved. I had a little bit of sweating the other night but also had tons of blankets on. Otherwise that has been a lot better. My sleep is much better too. Here's hoping the cymbalta is the right pick this time around.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Luvox/Fluvoxamine experiences anybody?

    That's great!

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