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Thread: Airport anxiety

  1. #1

    Airport anxiety

    I travel quite a lot and up until a few months back I had absolutely no problem whatsoever going to airport , checking in , doing security etc. either on my own or with my partner. I had two horrible panic attacks on two separate occasions just after I went through security was one time and the other a few weeks after that I was travelling back from another airport and again another horrible anxiety attack. Dry mouth, jelly legs racing heart, Both times I did get on the flight and once I was on the flight I was fine. I have no problem whatsoever flying and have no fear of flying. But I’m struggling so much at the thoughts for going through the airport. Today I got to airport and just couldn’t go in and face my fears so ended up not travelling, I, attending counselling and have had 2 sessions and the counsellor told me to bring headphones, water and try to think of other things whilst at airport but I just couldn’t face it, I also struggle in shops , restaurantes and anywhere I’m in a queue. I’m on Xanax and an anti depressant but still have a fear of going through the airport. Sick and so annoyed with myself for feeling this way 🥲

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Airport anxiety

    I can relate, I too take Xanax when I travel. Airports are just so loud and busy, and often warm, everything about them overwhelms my nervous system. I think it's quite normal to feel anxious at an airport.
    I try to tell myself that the moment I let anxiety stop me from travelling, I might as well stop living. Because travelling is my favourite thing to do, and if I let anxiety take that away from me then I have nothing in my life to look forward to. And that seems to work for me.
    But unfortunately I can't really give you advice. Just know that you're not alone. I am rather surprised that even with Xanax you still get an anxiety attack. Maybe you need to up your dosage just for travelling? I only take it for that, so 0.25mg still works for me. Although for a long haul flight I take 0.5mg 'cause my anxiety is a bit worse then, and it also helps me sleep well on the plane. But I don't know how often you take it and if your body is adjusted to it, and I don't want to give too much advice regarding Xanax as I'm aware of it's addictive properties

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Airport anxiety

    I was also going to say that I think airports are horrible and intimidating places as I had a bad experience back in November 2002 on the way back from staying with my aunt who lives just north of Dublin, and we had to land at Manchester Airport instead of Birmingham and had to travel down to Birmingham on a coach where my parents were frantically waiting for me.

    The bad experience was mainly in Manchester Airport when we had entered the main concourse area after retrieving our luggage and we were yelled and sworn at by arsy Sgt Major-like (bar)stewards (F***ing get over there, etc), and my immediate thought was 'That' s charming, talk about hypocrisy concerning all the 'zero tolerance' lark, etc' that was starting to appear en masse in many public establishments around that time when those little Hitler-like (bar)stewards were hurling verbal abuse at us confused and bewildered passengers who had arrived from Dublin over where to queue up for the coach back to Birmingham.

    Sorry for the long rant and for possibly putting Lolobelle off all the more, and also for obviously coming across as unhelpful, but airports for me are just increasingly regimented no-go zones for me personally, and probably even more so now with the presence of armed police officers in them, as if someone or something is about to crack off any moment, which makes me feel even more uneasy, intimidated and unnerved.
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 29-01-24 at 17:09.

  4. #4

    Re: Airport anxiety

    can totally understand what you are going through. I get very similar panic attacks /negative thoughts whenever I go to a ferry port , like Dover etc. -its unfortunately made me cancel at least 5 trips over the years. Interesting Lolobelle says once shes on the plane -shes fine. Not the same with me , I just want to get to dry land (!)..........

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Airport anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by Davy 53 View Post
    can totally understand what you are going through. I get very similar panic attacks /negative thoughts whenever I go to a ferry port , like Dover etc. -its unfortunately made me cancel at least 5 trips over the years. Interesting Lolobelle says once shes on the plane -shes fine. Not the same with me , I just want to get to dry land (!)..........
    I don't relish the thought of going through ferry ports either; for the same reasons as airports. Going through all the usual rigmaroles and running the gauntlet of intimidating irate, power-mad staff/stewards at both, as if we're all potential 'criminals'!

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