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Thread: Food Poisoning or IBS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Food Poisoning or IBS?

    So Tuesday night, hubby and I decide to get Dominos Pizza, I got the stuffed cheesy bread a salad with ranch dressing and he got alfredo and we decided on the cookie brownie, I haven't had a flare up in months, so I got a little cocky thinking it would be okay to eat this. I ate the salad, noticed the tomatoes tasted a bit bitter didn't think anything of it so kept eating it , tried a few bites of the alfredo ate half my stuffed cheese bread, then two of the brownies, I felt okay, after a few hours i ate another brownie. I go to bed, wake up at 11 am, I knew I was going to have loose stool as everytime I eat a lot of sugar I do so yeah I did, I go into the living room, hubby brings me two hard boiled eggs, I eat those and then an hour later I have another two brownies, 45 mins later I am running for the bathroom, no other symptoms but watery stool, this went on all day and part of the night expect for when I would fall asleep, my last stool was at five am, It's 12:39 pm (Thursday 12/28) I ate a cracker, and bam had to get up right away and go, so I don't know if my IBS flared up or the food was off, hubby had a small touch of loose stool but that was it. I feel like I drank a bottle of the stuff that people get right before a colon check...I've been sipping water every thirty mins. How long can an IBS flare up like this last, if that is what this is?

    Loose watery stool every 20 mins finally tapered off last one was at 5:30 am then had another one at noon after eating a couple of crackers (Saltines)
    I did have back pain but I think that was caused by the way I sat for hours gaming
    The area where my ovaries are feels crampy like that time of the months is coming
    No fever, no bloody stool, no sharp stomach pain.
    I have been under a lot of emotional stress, my friend dying on June 6th, my mom on June 29th and then having to put my nine year old cat down on Nov 8th all happened this year. So I think that is also catching up to me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Food Poisoning or IBS?

    update watery stool now every few hours, was normal color, hadn't had once since 6pm, then at 10:04 pm had bright yellow watery stool, I have only had a few crackers and small sips of water throughout the day I have no other symptoms but the loose stool. anxiety is high, I don't feel like eating even though I am hungry trying to give my bowels a chance to empty all there is and rest, I will still continue to sip water and see, hopefully I can try to eat some white rice tomorrow.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Food Poisoning or IBS?

    So far I have only had one loose stool at 5:30 this morning, I ate some boiled white rice, at 8:30 am, with a bit of salt on it and nothing else, took a nap and woke up no issues so far. Ate half a banana walnut muffin, and sipping water, so far no issues, normally the last two days I would have to have run right to the bathroom, hubby is going to bring me a boiled chicken breast later. I'll keep documenting in hopes this may help someone else out who are seeking answers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Food Poisoning or IBS?

    Day three and I am feeling so much better, had a normal pooh, mild cramping is gone. still feeling a bit tired and shaky, trying to replace fluids in my body now, by drinking a lot of water and putting some salt and sugar in it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Food Poisoning or IBS?

    My finger points to the brownies.
    Not necessarily food poisoning but aggravating an already delicate tummy. Plus the added fact of loads of chocolate.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Food Poisoning or IBS?

    Hi Carn just saw this, hubby informed me that he had been feeling a little off on that day as well.

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