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Thread: Shoulder/heart pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Shoulder/heart pain

    Trigger warning heart

    Randomly on Wednesday I was just sitting on the sofa and I got terrible shooting sharp pains in my left should that radiate to my chest when I moved. I've had something similar once that was gas so I managed to clear it with the usual gaviscon etc. This won't go. It's awful. My should neck and collar hurt so much i can't describe the pain ore when I move, plus my chest like a stitch pain and sharp when I breath in. I was sent to A&E yesterday but urgent care because the ecg they did was off........spent 9 hours there. Ecg came back non specific t wave abnormality, bloods were fine as was the chest xray. The A&E dockside its nothing to do with my heart but isn't sure what it is. Sort of felt reassured but the pain is awful.

    Going to see a gp this morning but I'm scarred they got it wrong at the hospital. I'm terrified. Anyone had anything similar.....

    Update saw the gp who thinks it's muscular from my shoulder shoulder however, I've just woken up to awful pain again wheen I'm moving and had a vile acid sick in mouth burp. Think I'll be ringing theee doctor again Monday.

    Thanks guys xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Shoulder/heart pain

    Since you had acid in your mouth it does sound like acid. Maybe do contact the gp again…. How are you feeling this morning? Xx

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