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Thread: Lump in throat, food stuck and trouble swallowing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Lump in throat, food stuck and trouble swallowing

    Having thought I was cured of this horrendous health anxiety, I now realise it was just waiting to pounce at the first opportunity. I'd have to say, I'm not sure I can cope with many more of these scares. I did have a genuine health scare earlier in the year (observations on going) and one of my thoughts was "at least I'll not have to worry anymore". My current scare is with my throat. It feels tight. It feels as if I have a lump in it (that's getting worse). It feels as though I can't swallow properly (things are definitely getting stuck). And my ears feel weird. I googled - which I had stopped doing. First result on NHS for difficulty swallowing is oesophagal cancer. Of course it is.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Lump in throat, food stuck and trouble swallowing

    Or you could try googling globus. It’s a genuine symptom of anxiety & whilst unpleasant it is harmless. I believe there are some exercises you can do to help relieve it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Lump in throat, food stuck and trouble swallowing

    Thank you. That would be the sensible approach I agree. And focus on that being the cause rather than go to the dark place that health anxiety takes me to. I absolutely hate it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Lump in throat, food stuck and trouble swallowing

    Me again. So I've been treated for GERD over the last few weeks and the lump feeling in my throat has gone. But the sore throat and achy feeling in the glands in my neck and up to my ear persist. I went back to the doctor last week, saw one I'd never seen before but he took one look in my throat, said it's inflammed and it's still acid reflux. But why would my glands in my neck feel so achy? I'm a bit concerned that this doctor rushed a bit to be honest. He also prescribed me Sertraline as he said it's all linked to anxiety but again I felt that was a quick decision with not much dialogue before just dishing them out. I also know Sertraline isn't recommended with Tamoxifen which I take as it's been found to reduce the efficacy of the latter - I said that to him but he dismissed that too!
    So I'm sort of wondering if he could be wrong? Does the achy neck feeling sound like GERD? Anyone else had that too?

  5. #5

    Re: Lump in throat, food stuck and trouble swallowing

    I've had similar for 3 months and its snowballed into some real anxiety problems.
    I'm pretty sure it was some sort of acid reflux. I was getting it in my stomach but then that went and the throat went pretty much like yours.It took about 2 months to get better but still now its not 100% and i still have a phlegm or something in my throat but thats because i started eating poorly again.
    When i was eating healthily and taking the omeprazole it did just about go.

  6. #6

    Re: Lump in throat, food stuck and trouble swallowing

    How are you doing now?

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