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Thread: Warm sensations in my body?

  1. #1

    Warm sensations in my body?

    Hi All,

    I am wondering if any of you have any advice for me!

    Recently I keep experiencing what I can only describe as 'warm patches' in random parts of my body. My skin isn't hot to touch, but it feels like it's being internally warmed. A bit like the feeling when you sit on a heated seat.

    So far I've experienced it in my feet, calves and arms. I don't have any other accompanying symptoms but I just wondered if anyone else experiences the same?

    I've been on 50mg of Sertraline for 6 weeks now and I don't know if it's linked t that? I also have health anxiety so I'm wondering if this is subconsciously linked?

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Welcome to No More Panic!

    Hiya MissRose and welcome to NMP

    Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

    I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Warm sensations in my body?

    Did you ever see a doctor? I currently have this too.

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