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Thread: Blood blister type lump on breast, should I be worried?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Blood blister type lump on breast, should I be worried?

    I was just in the shower and I don’t normally check my breast often as I’m only in my twenties but just felt like I should for some reason. I ran my hands underneath and felt this lump. I had a look and right under my breast found a brown looking mark I squeezed it and it felt hard maybe the size of a pea just under the skin. It sort of looked like it had a head so I tried to squeeze it to see if it was pimple but nothing came out. When I got out the shower I squeezed it again and blood squirted out (sorry for tmi) it’s very red now and still looks brown but is less of a hard lump. I do remember having a pimple there a few weeks ago that I squeezed. Should be worried? I have a doctors appointment in two weeks should I just bring it up then or book one sooner?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Blood blister type lump on breast, should I be worried?

    It could be an ingrown hair but yeah just talk to your doctor about it to be on the safe side.

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