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Thread: Ww3

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Ww3

    Sorry to bother you again, but did you see the high chief of the nato chair say we need to prepare for war? It was on sky news

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk

  2. #162

    Re: Ww3

    What you have been reading about war with Russia is 90% click bait BS. I've watched the twisting of words from the moment Steadfast Defender was announced and it's just gotten laughably stupid with the headlines similar to when covid first came about and how it will be the death of humanity. This isn't the case.

    I'll try to keep this short and simple. Putin sees weakness as an opportunity and does not speak the same democratic language as the west, he only knows how to speak with force and the less noise you make about your military capability and readiness the more he sees you as a viable option. Putin is about creating fear and unease, it's the same as a playground bully. The more the bully sees you getting intimidated, the more he pushes for things, whereas if you stand up to him and show you're ready he will back down.

    NATO has been pretty quiet about war but there is a time when you have to start piping up to show the opposition that they'll be starting something they don't want to get involved with. This speak is the only language Putin understands. It doesn't mean there will be war with him, it just sends a message. The quote "to stop war is to be prepared for war" is true and especially true with Russia.

    Should we really prepare for war? No not really. Putin cannot afford to open an offensive on a NATO country. He knows as well as anyone a war with the west is a war he will lose partly due to the sheer overwhelming arsenal the west has. Nukes aren't even an option, they are only used as "big boy speak" because that's an easy way to make a country think twice, plus he would lose support from his "allies".

    If you want to really understand Russia, checkout Dr. Jade McGlynn. She is a very competent woman who has studied Russia for a long time and gives very insightful and realistic information on Russia. The more you understand about Russia the more you'll laugh at the doom and gloom headlines.

  3. #163
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by Frosteh View Post
    What you have been reading about war with Russia is 90% click bait BS. I've watched the twisting of words from the moment Steadfast Defender was announced and it's just gotten laughably stupid with the headlines similar to when covid first came about and how it will be the death of humanity. This isn't the case.

    I'll try to keep this short and simple. Putin sees weakness as an opportunity and does not speak the same democratic language as the west, he only knows how to speak with force and the less noise you make about your military capability and readiness the more he sees you as a viable option. Putin is about creating fear and unease, it's the same as a playground bully. The more the bully sees you getting intimidated, the more he pushes for things, whereas if you stand up to him and show you're ready he will back down.

    NATO has been pretty quiet about war but there is a time when you have to start piping up to show the opposition that they'll be starting something they don't want to get involved with. This speak is the only language Putin understands. It doesn't mean there will be war with him, it just sends a message. The quote "to stop war is to be prepared for war" is true and especially true with Russia.

    Should we really prepare for war? No not really. Putin cannot afford to open an offensive on a NATO country. He knows as well as anyone a war with the west is a war he will lose partly due to the sheer overwhelming arsenal the west has. Nukes aren't even an option, they are only used as "big boy speak" because that's an easy way to make a country think twice, plus he would lose support from his "allies".

    If you want to really understand Russia, checkout Dr. Jade McGlynn. She is a very competent woman who has studied Russia for a long time and gives very insightful and realistic information on Russia. The more you understand about Russia the more you'll laugh at the doom and gloom headlines.
    I'm always being told "nato is far stonger then Russia, they would never try and attack us openly." That may be ture if it was just Russia, but they now have Iran and North korea in thier back pocket. And who knows who else, it has me worried that steadfast defender might be a bad idea and get us all killed.

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  4. #164
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by Frosteh View Post
    What you have been reading about war with Russia is 90% click bait BS. I've watched the twisting of words from the moment Steadfast Defender was announced and it's just gotten laughably stupid with the headlines similar to when covid first came about and how it will be the death of humanity. This isn't the case.

    I'll try to keep this short and simple. Putin sees weakness as an opportunity and does not speak the same democratic language as the west, he only knows how to speak with force and the less noise you make about your military capability and readiness the more he sees you as a viable option. Putin is about creating fear and unease, it's the same as a playground bully. The more the bully sees you getting intimidated, the more he pushes for things, whereas if you stand up to him and show you're ready he will back down.

    NATO has been pretty quiet about war but there is a time when you have to start piping up to show the opposition that they'll be starting something they don't want to get involved with. This speak is the only language Putin understands. It doesn't mean there will be war with him, it just sends a message. The quote "to stop war is to be prepared for war" is true and especially true with Russia.

    Should we really prepare for war? No not really. Putin cannot afford to open an offensive on a NATO country. He knows as well as anyone a war with the west is a war he will lose partly due to the sheer overwhelming arsenal the west has. Nukes aren't even an option, they are only used as "big boy speak" because that's an easy way to make a country think twice, plus he would lose support from his "allies".

    If you want to really understand Russia, checkout Dr. Jade McGlynn. She is a very competent woman who has studied Russia for a long time and gives very insightful and realistic information on Russia. The more you understand about Russia the more you'll laugh at the doom and gloom headlines.
    This is an excellent summary of Putin's Russia. He got where he is by being clever and ruthless. But crazy he isn't. I recommend reading this book...
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  5. #165
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: Ww3

    Now brits are getting called up to fight Russia in case ww3 brakes out? Are we all still so sure we're not on the brink of ww3? I have my doubts. Was all over sky news, there's going to be a warning from the head of the Military at some convention this afternoon.

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by fma11122345 View Post
    Now brits are getting called up to fight Russia in case ww3 brakes out? Are we all still so sure we're not on the brink of ww3? I have my doubts. Was all over sky news, there's going to be a warning from the head of the Military at some convention this afternoon.

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
    I saw a bit of it on Sky News with my dad, but he (my dad) reckons most of it is hypothetical 'whatiffery' especially ahead of the UK's forthcoming General Election, and it largely centres on the fact that the UK armed forces have been cut to the bone over the past decade or so in reference to the conscription stuff.

    They didn't specifically state that a world war is definitely imminent though, nor did they actually say that Brits are getting called up to fight in Russia.

    Also check out once again, as Robert has posted an interesting article on this current topic.

  7. #167

    Re: Ww3

    We certainly are not getting called up and we certainly are not at direct war with Russia.

    Russia beat the drums to cause fear and panic, they want to make themselves out to be the big bad tough guy to make people roll over and say "Sorry sir, please don't hurt us, take everything". By the west speaking up and making a loud noise over our security concerns, the increase in defence spending, the talk of conscription etc. is partly done because it's part of the game to make the opposition think, "actually, maybe they do mean business, let's not push it". It's no different than Putin's classic, "escalate to de-escalate" tactics he has done forever and a day.

    Most people have zero idea or cares about other countries politics but once you start learning about their history and the people running it you'll soon realise that the majority of what you read and hear on both sides is just propaganda and sabre rattling. Nothing more, nothing less.

    In regard to conscription it would only be voluntary to try and bolster our military.

    Do yourself a favour and switch off from it for a bit, find something else to do to take your mind away from the overthinking of things that aren't happening.
    Last edited by Frosteh; 26-01-24 at 20:33.

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by Frosteh View Post
    We certainly are not getting called up and we certainly are not at direct war with Russia.

    Russia beat the drums to cause fear and panic, they want to make themselves out to be the big bad tough guy to make people roll over and say "Sorry sir, please don't hurt us, take everything". By the west speaking up and making a loud noise over our security concerns, the increase in defence spending, the talk of conscription etc. is partly done because it's part of the game to make the opposition think, "actually, maybe they do mean business, let's not push it". It's no different than Putin's classic, "escalate to de-escalate" tactics he has done forever and a day.

    Most people have zero idea or cares about other countries politics but once you start learning about their history and the people running it you'll soon realise that the majority of what you read and hear on both sides is just propaganda and sabre rattling. Nothing more, nothing less.

    In regard to conscription it would only be voluntary to try and bolster our military.

    Do yourself a favour and switch off from it for a bit, find something else to do to take your mind away from the overthinking of things that aren't happening.
    Very wise words Frosteh.

    Just a shame certain elements of our media have to keep hyping stuff up out of all proportion in order to make a few quid/gain clicks, at the expense of unnecessarily scaring many people witless!

    I never forget all the lousy BS propaganda and endless media hype during the run-up to that date in December 2012 when the world was supposedly meant to come to an end, but absolutely naff all actually happened.
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 27-01-24 at 09:29.

  9. #169

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    ... I never forget all the lousy BS propaganda and endless media hype during the run-up to that date in December 2012 when the world was supposedly meant to come to an end, but absolutely naff all actually happened.
    Were you disappointed?

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