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Thread: High Inflammation Marker terrified

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    High Inflammation Marker terrified

    I've not posted on here for years now because I've been doing so good but now I'm in the grasps of health anxiety once more.

    I've been getting a funny pain in my right upper quadrant for a couple of months now. Funny stabby pains behind my sternum over the right side and through my back and also my ribs and under my ribs. It feels like my esophagus sometimes then others it feels like where my gallbladder is. I had the same pains three years ago but a scan revealed nothing. The pains really bother me and always seem to be there.

    I had some bloods done and got the results today and my inflammation marker was raised. It was 32. I got asked a barrage of questions like history of arthritis in the family, bowel conditions, etc. My mum has rheumatoid arthritis and so did her father but I have no joint problems. I'm having no bowel issues either. I've not lost any notable weight. Just these weird pains.

    The Dr wants me to have repeated bloods in 4 weeks and some more specific blood tests and a urine test this week. He's also referring me for a abdominal scan and an endoscopy to look down my throat. I am beyond terrified now I have cancer somewhere. Everything points to it. I just don't know what to do, I'm a mess.

  2. #2

    Re: High Inflammation Marker terrified

    Let's stop for a second and take a big breath before we talk it through. These things are scary, and for people like us with health anxiety, our minds jump to the worst conclusions.

    Last year I had a high inflammatory marker (much higher than yours), and had a Dr scare me telling me I probably had something terrible wrong with me. When I questioned this I was told I was wrong and I must be really ill with something and they had to work out what it was immediately. When I mentioned this to my therapist (with the rest of the story), she referred me to a private Dr who's incredible.

    This new Dr didn't try to scare me, she didn't try to diagnose me without facts/with just one or two test results, she told me three simple things:
    1. Not every test result is 100% facts - it's a snapshot in time and it can be linked to so many other things (stress, anxiety, hormones, etc.)
    2. If something is wrong, then it's best to look into it, and get it sorted asap (something wrong might mean stress, a vitamin D deficiency, not necessarily something bad)
    3. You're dealing with it, and that's the best thing to do

    I also had pain on my right side. It was like a sharp pressure in my stomach, and various other bits and pieces. Between that, the stress it was causing me, and the general anxiety that life brings, I was in a state. The Dr saw this and told me that although we'd need to redo tests, it was best to let my mind and body calm down a bit and then repeat them. She gave me space and let me do that at my own pace. The pain remained (I later found out that it was partly to do with very tight hips - a far cry from the original death sentence I'd given myself!), so when I went back to the Dr for tests, I honestly thought that was it.

    I repeated the tests, after I'd taken some time off work and had spent time doing some nice, calming, distracting things. The tests came back so healthy, it was crazy. I almost didn't believe it.
    The Dr reiterated point 1, but reminded me that it would never get so healthily low if I wasn't ok. Every body has bad days though, or triggers.

    Bodies are weird - they're doing so much at any given time, and it's ok to not feel 100% all the time. Just remember that you should feel comfortable with your Dr and the advice they're giving you, if not, find a new one. And remember that anxiety does so much to the body, even if we're not aware of it.

    You said that everything points to cancer, but that's not the case. Everything points to you being anxious, worried, and a bit lost (which is ok, but hard for you). It also points to a slightly abnormal reading that might be temporary, or in the unlikely event that they find something small, then the Dr will be able to help you with that.

    Find things to distract you, remember that you know your body (so listen to it), and go with your gut instinct.

    You'll be ok - don't give into the fear, just remind yourself that life keeps going, so be here now, breathe and you'll get through it. Trust yourself x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: High Inflammation Marker terrified

    Quote Originally Posted by Honeyskye View Post
    I've not posted on here for years now because I've been doing so good but now I'm in the grasps of health anxiety once more.

    I've been getting a funny pain in my right upper quadrant for a couple of months now. Funny stabby pains behind my sternum over the right side and through my back and also my ribs and under my ribs. It feels like my esophagus sometimes then others it feels like where my gallbladder is. I had the same pains three years ago but a scan revealed nothing. The pains really bother me and always seem to be there.

    I had some bloods done and got the results today and my inflammation marker was raised. It was 32. I got asked a barrage of questions like history of arthritis in the family, bowel conditions, etc. My mum has rheumatoid arthritis and so did her father but I have no joint problems. I'm having no bowel issues either. I've not lost any notable weight. Just these weird pains.

    The Dr wants me to have repeated bloods in 4 weeks and some more specific blood tests and a urine test this week. He's also referring me for an abdominal scan and an endoscopy to look down my throat. I am beyond terrified now I have cancer somewhere. Everything points to it. I just don't know what to do, I'm a mess.
    Inflammation markers can be raised for lots of reasons, and most of those reasons are nothing to worry about at all. Mine were raised after I had the common cold. I got another high reading when I was stressed out one time from needing to reach a work deadline.

    Your doctor isn't running tests because they think something is gravely wrong, they're just checking for some of the usual (easily solvable) suspects that can cause pain in the areas you describe, and because you have RA in your family. It's pretty standard to have those checks done and no way indicative that they suspect there is anything bad. I was referred for GI imaging too when I complained of right side pain, and have a family history of autoimmune issues.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: High Inflammation Marker terrified

    It's so crazy you posted this because I'm going through something extremely similar. I had routine blood work done a few weeks ago. My doctor does a huge battery of tests each year as part of her annual exam. These include pretty new cardiac risk markers done at the Cleveland Heart Clinic (a very prestigious place here in the US). One of them is MPO - a marker that specifically measures vascular inflammation. Normal is under 450 and high is over 540. Mine was 601, indicated high risk for cardiovascular disease. All my other numbers were normal. My cholesterol is every so slightly high, but otherwise no other risk factors. I'm also considered obese (BMI is 33) and I had Covid for the second time this past May. My doctor wants to repeat the test in 6-8 weeks. She and a colleague think it's possible it's residual inflammation from Covid. But this doesn't really reassure me because of all that's come out on the long-term vessel damage caused by Covid! I'm so worried that I'm not at higher risk for clots and heart attack, etc... it's really spun me into a tizzy.

    But, the advice from the others on here is right. It's one test - one moment in time. For now, I'm doing all that I can to reduce inflammation - eating better, drinking more water, taking omega-3 supplements, walking more, etc... and I am hopeful that when I repeat the test the number will have gone down. It might not be in the healthy range yet, but hopefully will be trending in that direction.

    But I wanted to say that I am here with you and understand your worry. But - we'll get through it! It's always a good thing when doctors are following up with us and helping resolve issues. Good luck with your other tests!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: High Inflammation Marker terrified

    Same here- inflammation marker went from 1.7-6.7 in 4 months… I know not as high is yours but have pain in my back when I swallow/ breathe, but it’s also there when I’m moving around… I have had chronic Costochondritis for ten years (t6-7) my husband is doing his best to remind me I’ve had this pain before… I also train/ workout in aerial circus.. so I’m constantly using my shoulders/ scapulas etc… none of that matters though.. I’ve convinced myself of the worse and that I’m dying of something crazy too… went to my dr yearwday and she said to stop
    Worrying so much and that will cause markers to go up.. in addition with all the workouts I do, low iron, iodine, d.. this is all not helping with inflammation.. she ordered me a barium swallow after I practically begged ten times lol, but she is doing it for my peace of mind.. I’m a little less worried and just trying to heal my inflammation / stress all mind right now… how are you holding up?

  6. #6

    Re: High Inflammation Marker terrified

    My blood test came back elevated CRP for inflammation, elevated white blood cells and high liver enzymes. Everything else was normal. When my doctor called I forgot I had Covid just before Christmas and hurt my back last week and had been taking a pain reliever. I was also very stressed in general. All these things can cause a rise in certain tests. But I Googled and the c word came up as it always does.I lost a childhood friend to blood cancer and also two close relatives, one on either side, so it is a phobia for me. My daughter who went through nursing told me my red blood cell count would be affected if it was anything. Trying not to go there but will be a long 3-4 weeks until my retest.

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