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Thread: Not sure or just triggerred

  1. #1

    Not sure or just triggerred

    Hi Everyone I haven't posted in years but recent events have me posting. Two weeks ago I came home at around dusk or right after it was still light enough. As I was opening my door I saw a bunch of insects and a big light brown thing flying at first I thought it was a moth and I didn't feel anything now I am questioning if I was wrong and it was a bat.. Well the next week my mother passed and last Tuesday was her funeral. Since then I have suffered severe anxiety and today I was doing OK and what do I read about in the Paper Rabid bats found in Utah with a sub article about a man in Minnesota who was 84 and woken up to a bat biting him and despite taking the vaccine due to other health issues the vaccine failed and he died. I have suffered this phobia for over 40 years off and on especially since I was bitten 20 years ago and received the vaccine. It is just that a friend had been bitten in 1978 at the time my uncle molested me and I clung to the rabies phobia as a means of coping and now here I am again spiraling any thoughts to help me.?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Not sure or just triggerred

    I'm so sorry you experienced the trauma you did when you were young. Its quite apparent from your post that its having a negative effect on you at this time. I think you know deep down this fear is a manifestation of that trauma. I would seek real life professional help ASAP.

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3

    Re: Not sure or just triggerred

    Hi Fishman I remember you from Anxiety Zone I have been in therapy for over 40 years due to all the trauma and I have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow. As I pretty much know i would be turned down for vaccine as it would be considered a UFO sometimes even with reasoning there is always doubt.

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