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Thread: Rabies anxiety is back, Possible bat bite

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    Re: Rabies anxiety is back, Possible bat bite

    I'm so happy to know someone else is having great results with B12.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Rabies anxiety is back, Possible bat bite

    Quote Originally Posted by peg54321 View Post
    I'm so happy to know someone else is having great results with B12.
    It's great stuff. I was quite low in it, but scored as just at the brink of normal in my first blood test. Paid for another blood test to follow up because I wasn't convinced, and it was definitely low. I started supplementing with it, along with folate which was rock bottom! Low folate can also cause anxiety, and low vitamin D is also linked to depression and anxiety. The difference I felt was pretty amazing once I got my levels up to where they needed to be.

  3. #13

    Re: Rabies anxiety is back, Possible bat bite

    Got it, trees were a couple of feet away, There were trees near me but i was walking back to my house under a clear sky not near the trees, maybe the wind somehow got the wood on my head because like i said, i did not hear any wings flapping or see a bat even though i immediately touched my head with my hand, but still nothing, and after that i could not find a bat if there was even one there, I only felt something hitting my head out of nowhere.

    Hope it was not a bat, if it was would i have seen or feel it or hear it???? thanks for your answer.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Rabies anxiety is back, Possible bat bite

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowStorm777 View Post
    Got it, trees were a couple of feet away from me but i was standing under a clear sky , I was not near any trees or something but maybe the wind somehow got the wood on my head because like i said, i did not hear any wings flapping or see a bat and after that i could not find one if there is one there, I only felt something hitting my head out of nowhere.

    Hope it was not a bat, if it was would i have seen or feel it or hear it???? thanks for your answer.
    Yes, you'd feel and see it. They're not subtle at all when they collide with something. You also don't need to be directly under trees for something to blow out of them with even the faintest breeze. I've been sat in the middle of a park far away from the trees on a pretty normal, mild day, and still had debris from them land on me. That's just life

    Have you ever had therapy for this phobia? I know how awful it can feel, and reassurance only helps for a very small amount of time, so it's important to talk through this with a professional. Not a bad idea to get your vitamin levels checked out too just in case that's a factor for you too.

  5. #15

    Re: Rabies anxiety is back, Possible bat bite

    Sorry for the late reply, was sleeping. Well i hope you are right and I too believe I would have seen, felt or heard the bat especially on my head landing or doing something bats do. Nope, got no help for this phobia, and yes I will try to get my vitamin levels checked.

    Thanks for the answer, hope this is just one of my stupid anxiety talking again and not a real bat that i am so worried about.It is like i am done with one scenario and the next one opens, now i have to think and reassure myself that there was no bat on the car and for the second scenario, it was only the wood or something harmless that fell from the sky.

    Yeah you are right, I would have seen it or felt it, they are not INVISIBLE, hate this anxiety. Anyway, thank you for replying.

  6. #16

    Re: Rabies anxiety is back, Possible bat bite

    This same thing happened to me except I heard wings but more like feathers and then the next day I looked up directly where I was and there was a nest so I’m thinking it was just a bird protecting the nest and I didn’t see anything but I know I heard wings and felt a brush against my hair

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