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Thread: Poorly fur baby

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    You are doing all the right things catkins

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    Absolutely, get all your ducks in a row before you make any decisions. Information is so very important. But I’ve known dogs with Cushings and it’s been kept under control.
    Thinking of you xxx
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    Thank you all.

    Trying not let my head run away with this, it would be easy for it to do it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    Glad the first blood test went well. My dog has had issues with raised ALP (one of the liver enzymes) and had a handful of tests that have so far been largely inconclusive. He had a Cushing's test about a month ago and it was a new vet and she was just sure that would be it. I was a wreck the whole day, but he did well and it ended up being negative. But apparently the ALP can raise for a lot of different reasons and sometimes you don't know why.

    Fingers crossed for your pup - it is true according to my vet that for Cushing's it's just a matter of getting the medication at the right dose and things generally run smoothly from there.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    Thank you Poppy.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    Hi Catkins, how's your pup doing? Hope all is going well.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    She was at the vets yesterday, she was so good. When I went to pick her up the receptionist said that she had come to visit them in the office between blood tests and had been lovely. She's been up and down health wise, some days she was peeing more than others and we only had two nights where she was up in the night wanting to go out. We should know by the middle of next week if it is Cushings or not, whatever it is as long as she's happy that's the main thing and she seems to be, despite everything else.

    Thank you for asking Poppy.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    Well my fur baby doesn't have Cushings, which is a relief. But now they are wanting to test her kidneys again which is very frustrating as they have done that already and they have said they are fine. I really think it's probably just old age and it's something we're going to live with. She seems happy in herself and not in any pain, her appetite is good and although she's a lot slower and less enthusiastic about her walks she can still manage a few miles.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    I think your gut instinct is probably right catkins.i suppose the vets just want to be thorough and want to provide you with a valid answer. I can understand how you feel. x
    Last edited by Carnation; 28-05-23 at 10:26.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Poorly fur baby

    That is good news, Catkins. I suppose another kidney test wouldn't hurt, and then just wait and see? Do they have any hypothesis at all?

    It sounds so much like my guy (even some similar symptoms) and we've done blood tests, joint taps, lymph node aspirates, and ultrasounds to no avail. The vet school finally told me that sometimes you catch things too early for any diagnostic to point at a cause, and sometimes weird things just happen in the body and there is not really anything that needs addressing. It's obviously very hard as someone with HA, to just wait and see when I feel like I need an answer and a treatment, but we've done that for the last year and managed to make it through.

    I do hope your pup is able to feel a bit better, though, especially with the accidents as that must be particularly difficult for you all.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

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