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Thread: Intense bat and rabies fear living in a heavily wooded neighborhood

  1. #1

    Intense bat and rabies fear living in a heavily wooded neighborhood

    Last edited by Batcrazy; 25-05-23 at 04:47.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    Re: Intense bat and rabies fear living in a heavily wooded neighborhood

    I hate bats as well. They are hidious. I never knew they bit people until I read your thread. If it is any help to you - I have seen an infestation of bats in the inner city, in small suburban parks near me. They have never been so many and never been in local suburban parks. is there a plague of bats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Intense bat and rabies fear living in a heavily wooded neighborhood

    I actually have bats living in the eves of my house. I love them and at dusk I go outside and watch them swooping. My bats and your bats are the same. It’s how you and I differ in our views of them. I dont fear them. So go and have a word with your doctor to see if there’s anything he can do to start treating this fear of yours that is almost like a phobia.
    Anxiety over this is ruining your life in your home, which btw sounds lovely. There’s really only only two choices, fight your fear with the help of your doctor/ exposure therapy or bite the bullet and move, which I know deep down you don’t want to do.

    Good luck with it.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


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