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Thread: Irrational fear of Rabies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Irrational fear of Rabies

    Hello all. I'd like to preface this post by confirming that my rational side is very aware that I'm >99.99999999% safe and am spiraling over nothing. However, my anxiety continues to prey on that <0.00000000000001% chance that something is genuinely wrong and refuses to subside.

    About 8 months ago, a couple friends and I were fishing at a local river at night. At some point, my one friend expresses shock at something. My other friend and I both ask what happened, and he says he just saw a bat fly between us. At the time, I didn't think anything about it because I was completely unaware it was even near me. Fast forward a month, and I'm going about my day as usual when I randomly am made aware of a little bit more saliva in my mouth than usual. "That's weird,", I thought, "isn't that a symptom of rabies or something?" So I started googling. Quite possibly the worst mistake of my life.

    That very same night, I started having visceral physical symptoms out of nowhere. Seemingly all the symptoms I had read about earlier in the day were happening to me all at once. Muscle spasms, increased saliva, trouble swallowing. I was now convinced I had rabies. For several weeks after that night, I lived in constant fear that the next day would be the day the virus would leave me bedridden and I would die and leave my family mourning. Some time passed, however, and eventually I managed to get the fear somewhat under control and return to my old life.

    Early this March, I had a bit of a relapse. I suddenly had a mild, "piercing" sensation in my head that I didn't recall having had before. Alongside the headache came random bouts of paresthesia on my scalp. I was thrown for a loop and had panic attacks, undoubtedly due to my subconscious irrational side fearing rabies once again. My lower back began to ache, feeling as though the muscles were tightened into a ball. I felt horrible. 18 days later and the symptoms still persisted, but by then I had managed to calm myself down by assuring that had the symptoms been due to rabies, I'd have been dead by then. A part of me still sought reassurance, however, and I decided to do the ridiculous act of googling to confirm I was safe. I only managed to do the opposite.

    This latest googling fiasco led me down the rabbit hole of "slow" rabies, a variant that supposedly kills its victims over a much longer period of time than normal, "furious" rabies. I was immediately sent into my worst spiral to date. That same night, I was wracked with a new batch of physical symptoms; paresthesia in my limbs, muscle weakness, fatigue. My lower back pain worsened after reading that it was a symptom in one case, now feeling as though the pain was emanating from my nerves themselves rather than the muscles. On top of all this, my family had suddenly all come down with what is almost certainly another illness. My mind latched onto this as well, convinced that they all had rabies and were doomed due to my inability to act and go get tested. I had become a nervous wreck.

    For the past week now, sleep has been so hard to come by. The back pain still persists, and feels as though its spreading up my back and down to my hips. Last night, the pain was sharper than usual and came alongside an extra numb feeling in my right foot. I was convinced that paralysis was setting in, and went into a fresh panic attack. I'm honestly at my wits end with all this, and don't know where to begin getting help. I know this is irrational, but I can't for the life of me brush it aside long enough to get a meaningful semblance of normalcy back. I apologize for the autobiography, but if anyone could give me guidance on this I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Irrational fear of Rabies

    All of this is anxiety, but I suspect you already know that. Are you able to go to therapy? What you really need are the tools to challenge your irrational thoughts and find some peace, but it's usually easier to get started down that road when guided by a professional.

    I have no idea on the stats of "slow" rabies vs "normal" rabies, but even in the US, death from rabies is very, very rare. Like 2-3 people a year, out of 300 million. That number went up slightly last year, but that was apparently due to the fact that there were a couple of additional people exposed who didn't want to take the vaccine and as such did not fare well. It's not that there were people being bitten who were just unaware.

    It sounds like your only "exposure" was that a bat maybe flew past you; if a bat had bitten you, you would know, and they would have had reason to do so as they don't just bite humans for fun. I would wager you were not bitten at all and that anxiety is the true beast you are dealing with.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Irrational fear of Rabies

    Not quite sure where you're getting your info about slow rabies, but are you sure you aren't confusing the ultra rare cases of a slow incubation with what doctors call "slow rabies" when a patient becomes symptomatic? It's not a long drawn out process of random symptoms once it kicks in, however long it took to get there. "Slow" vs "furious" is how they define the patients behaviour while they are symptomatic. Some people do have a slightly slower decline (Which is still incredibly obvious and not vague at all - you wouldn't be at home wondering if you had it) and others become more aggressive and restless. Neither of those states would include months of odd sensations you've described. If you had paraesthesia on your scalp, and it was from rabies, you wouldn't be here typing, now matter how slow, or furious.

    There's a lot of misinterpreted info on Google, even from seemingly well researched sources. Those extremely rare reports of a slow incubation don't guarantee the person didn't have another exposure since the first bite, and simply didn't report it. This is extremely common when a sick person is reporting symptoms, for anything. Their timelines can be way off, or they disregard incidents that would be important for the doctor to know. The best thing you can do for yourself is to avoid Google. You didn't get bitten, a bat didn't even touch you, your friend simply saw a bat doing bat things. People actively go out at night to spot bats hunting, so you'd be considered lucky that you got to experience one so close

    Bats avoid humans. They don't seek you out to bite you. Sick bats don't tend to be flying around with purpose. That bat that swooped down between you and your friends was probably chasing a nice tasty bug near the water surface. The fact it so nimbly navigated past you is a great sign it wasn't sick too. It probably had a little moment of fright itself for having come so close to the giant hairless bipedal beings while catching dinner!
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