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Thread: Brand Change - Side Effects?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Morning all, it helps me to write it out and keep a record so that's what I am doing...

    Saw the doctor yesterday afternoon and my husband came with me, I explained about the brain zaps and then the anxiety flare up and I also told her about the indigestion pains and the aches in my boob. She sat and really listened to everything, she was lovely.

    She said the anxiety could be from the hormone drop with having my coil removed, a bit of menopause, and the pills that were given to me. She said the ache in my breast was also menopause related, and my indigestion could the be the ven getting back in my system.

    The plan is to see my in 4 weeks when I get back from holiday as by then I will have had my new coil put in. If my anxiety is no better by then she said we can add something in to help.

    Things I am experiencing at the moment are...

    Anxiety... The last few days has been under the surface anxiety and it's not gone into a full panic, don't seem to have the fear flashes as I call them either. Although my anxiety did ramp up a bit last night and I went to bed early as my whole body just ached everywhere and I felt done in.

    Upset Stomach... Feel bloated and tummy feels upset I also feel sicky but I haven't been sick and I know I wont be.

    Body Aches... These are from tension I think.

    So there it is in a nutshell.

    I am working from home at the moment, I do 3 days a week anyway but my boss said I can all week which is good. Also going to Spain in less than 2 weeks to visit my mum. I am going to get some ginger today and I remember that can be good for settling your tummy. Feeling rubbish makes coping with the anxiety even harder.

    Also going to fill my planner for the week and NOT google anything.

    Till later. Ava x

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Morning all, so yesterday wasn't a great one, the bloated stomach and sicky feeling was off the charts. I've had to go back on the lanzoperazole this morning.

    Woke this morning and my stomach was huge, bloated and I couldn't stand anything touching it, I felt terrible. Took the lanzop and waited an hour then ate a banana and took my ven. It has settled a bit. I've lost well over a stone up to now with this.

    Today I feel tired, a bit headachy and my body feels weak. Not getting too much anxiety this morning, more like a frustrated wound up, annoyed feeling.
    I know the blood pressure meds I'm on can cause the tummy troubles so I will keep on with the lanzop and see if it helps.

    Husband is at golf at the moment with the boys and we are going to visit some friends this afternoon so I'm pottering around trying to keep busy but it's hard when you feel pants and I keep getting wound up.

    Ava x

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Morning all...

    Still chugging along, so where am I at now...

    Anxiety is reduced, bit under the surface, no mad panic, peaks here and there due to my thoughts.
    Things are a big effort.
    Stomach Issues, feel bloated, bit sicky, gone off milk taste in my mouth, stomach feels upset and uncomfy.
    Uncomfortable feeling in my left rib under my boob, going to the underside of my boob - This is causing a lot of HA at the moment.
    Still thinking about it all 24/7.

    I am keeping busy and functioning, no diazepam for over a week and no crying spells. Working from isn't the easiest as I don't have a lot of meetings today, I am in Manchester tomorrow for a meeting so that might be better then I am off to Spain next week to visit my parent for 10 days.

    That's it for today, Ava :-)

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