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Thread: Obsessive swallowing

  1. #141

    Smile Re: Obsessive swallowing

    hello everyone,i have also struggled with this problem for years and what i have found most helpful is to just let it happen,do not try to fight it and let it take its course,it is not a dangerous habit and nothing will happen to you no matter how much you do it,these days i just do it here and there but i really don't care if anybody stares at me,just let it happen and stop analysing it and thinking about it so often,it does NOT do you any good trust me. if anybody comments on it straight up tell them to mind their business or better yet pretend they are the crazy ones for noticing something this small and unimportant. again do not feed this habit by giving it too much thought,if you get to a point when you in a legit way dont care about it anymore you will stop doing it completely,this is what all of us should try to achieve. also physical exercise can help out a lot,make sure you don't overeat and drink a fizzy water or two if you must since it can help a bit(but avoid sodas) also good luck to everyone here we are not alone

  2. #142

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Hi everyone, well its been over a year and still going strong. No cure just dealing with it the best I can. I am starting to believe all this is more allergy related and post nasal drip as I am constantly sniffling and clearing my throat. All my family on my mothers side suffers greatly from allergies and from what I understand these can develop as you get older in life. I would suggest to others to check out an ENT specialist (eyes, nose, throat) as you could be misdiagnosing yourself as OCD.

  3. #143

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Been suffering for years now, seems the only CURE is lowering your anxiety, all my life was been finding loop holes to avoid potential stressful situations, my advice is get help early before it becomes a nightmare and ruins your entire life, medication would of helped early on and potentially stop it, now that I am a adult, medication is only means to coop with it better....

    My story...
    From what information I've gathered, It seems specific memories, places, smells can cause you to remember things, this is true in my case, when I first had my swallowing habit, I ONLY DID IT IN ONE CLASS IN FIRST PERIOD IN FRESHMEN YEAR, BEFORE LONG IS SPREAD TO ALL MY CLASSES(the other classes I did it but it was not as bad as first period), DURING THE SUMMER IT GOT A LOT BETTER, THEN I STARTED SCHOOL AGAIN, EVERYTHING WAS FINE FOR THE FIRST FEW MONTHS, THEN IT GRADUALLY STARTED GETTING WORSE, AND WORSE, AND WORSE, AND AFTER 6 MONTHS IT TURNED INTO A MAD HOUSE OF THINKING OF SWALLOWING EVERY SECOND. during this time in school I always had a bad time sleeping, it was awful, I did learn however to hold my spit in forcing me to become mute, I told everyone I had lockjaw anyways. I had to drop out of high school sophmore year and finish online, but if I'd of only dropped out of school sooner I would of been able prevent this 24/7 manual swallowing.

    People, places, smells, causes memories to trigger, avoid all stressful places that cause you to swallow, avoid all people that remind you to swallow, if you are in school or something try to get home-schooled

  4. #144

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Ive been suffering with this issue for years too so your not alone. Some things I can suggest that will help is first off talk therapy with a psychologist, I did about 10 sessions and it really helped guide you on a path that will cope better with these symptoms. Learn techniques such as mindfulness which is simply acknowledging and observing rather than trying to change or influence the situation. Label it as 'just is' with no importance or value. The biggest struggle I had was trying stop, change and alter it. Its the stress and anxiety of trying to make it go by force and trying to find a complete cure where it would completely 'go away'. Acceptance is key, understand that its happening but you dont have to do anything with it and learning not to react to it. Avoidance is a negative strategy as it only creates more fear and anxiety. Learn that you can still enjoy people, places and situations while carrying it around with you. If you go for a walk and pass a house with a loud barking dog, avoiding would be going out of your way to walk around the block so you bypass the house all together. This is inconvenient and doesnt help with the fear of dogs but rather reinforces it. Exposure with Response prevention would be approaching the house with the barking dog and building up a tolerance until the situation isnt as fearful anymore. With enough practice you will still notice the barking dog but your reactions to the situation has changed and it doesnt bother you as much anymore. Another techniques would be Subjective Units of Distress - basically saying 'ya this kinda sucks and its annoying but it isnt as bad as the worst situation Ive ever encountered or say something like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.' when you have something to compare it to re-evaluate your stress level and say ok my it has reduced to say 30%. Medication should be used as a tool for coping and not a cure. I found medication useful but the side effects outweighed the benefits for my situation. Some remedies I suggest would be exercise, chewing gum (keeps your mind busy while doing other things), sipping on water throughout the day and breathing exercises such as meditation. I wish you all the best and remember its only as important was we choose to make it.

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Quote Originally Posted by bluebonquet View Post
    People, places, smells, causes memories to trigger, avoid all stressful places that cause you to swallow, avoid all people that remind you to swallow, if you are in school or something try to get home-schooled
    I completely disagree with you on this. Avoiding something out of fear is a well known reinforcing action in any anxiety disorder. There are patterns in OCD which can easily be seen to intensify due to avoidance. Just look at how a parent with POCD avoids their own child due to experiencing the thoughts around them and fearing they could abuse them. How is that a cure?

    You will just shrink your world down and make it twice as hard to recover as your safe zone will be tiny. For many, there will be no such safe zone either as it will plague them at home or anywhere.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  6. #146

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    I had this problem and tried to overcome it by sipping water every time I felt the need to swallow. This helped me resist the urge to swallow.

  7. #147

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    I have this too. Doctor says it's anxiety. I also get chest pains and weird sensations in my arms, like a tight feeling. Tight jaw.

    I feel cold and weird like there's something wrong with me. All these little symptoms.

  8. #148

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    Hi does anyone focus on there breathing 24/7 if so could someone pm me please

  9. #149

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    If you’re having a lot of anxiety and can’t stop thinking about a bodily sensation like blinking, breathing or swallowing, then you probably have what’s called sensorimotor OCD.

    I’m fortunate to be someone who successfully recovered from sensorimotor OCD. As theres still a lack of information on how to treat it as well as a lack of access to a suitable therapist for many, I've written a brief guide on overcoming sensorimotor OCD at It's based primarily on CBT and ERP. I hope it is useful to people who are struggling with this, though of course does not replace a qualified therapist who can address the issue.

  10. #150

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    why did it close? I've made another one on discord if anyone is interested

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