Quote Originally Posted by CP353 View Post
it still takes a toll constantly waiting for my brain to catch up with my eyes.
Much of what we 'see' is created by the brain, not a direct 'feed' from the eyes, so it's mostly one part of the brain trying to keep up with another.

Still waiting for the mirt prescription to work its way through the pharmacy system. Honestly, I love the NHS (and have worked for it for a long time!), but these things could be so much more efficient.
How long does it take, and why so long? Here my GP sends the prescription to my mobile phone while I'm still in her office and if I need it immediately I forward the SMS to the pharmacy so the med is waiting when I get there.

Still, 3 more days in work, then a good break over Xmas.
For me it's another couple of days of peacefully annoying the local trout before the mainland fisher hoards descend on Tasmania to pillage the streams and lakes through to the end of January.