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Thread: Agoraphobia and dating

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Agoraphobia and dating

    I have a bit of agoraphobia that stems from my health anxiety that worsened after having COVID in January.

    It used to be much worse, where I couldn’t even go out driving or out for a walk. But since I got heart tests done I’ve felt better and can now go for walks that are over an hour long. Although going places indoors makes me nervous. I sometimes take Ativan. Typically .50mg once every 1-2 weeks if I have to do something that requires me to go inside. Like waiting in line to update my drivers license. I get those symptoms of dizziness, feeling like ill faint, and palpitations.

    I’ve been going on dating apps again and will be meeting for a second date with someone at an obscure coffee shop tomorrow. I’m already feeling anxious and worry I’ll get those symptoms there. But for example last week I waited over 2 hours to speak with my dermatologist in the waiting room and I felt fine. So it’s definitely my brain Overthinking

    I just don’t want to rely on Ativan for every date I go on. But it’s hard to get ready for the date and not get palps and terrible gagging from anxiety. :(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Agoraphobia and dating

    Well done you for getting out there!

    I would say to try doing other things that you normally do to reduce your anxiety and use the medication as a last resort. Slow deep breathing, a guided meditation, focusing on the five senses, that kind of thing helps me. Also if I have something big coming up I increase the amount that I do in preparation for it.

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