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Thread: Testicular cancer worry.

  1. #1

    Testicular cancer worry.

    I have had issue with my left testicle and groin for about a month now ish. Started with my groin, that it felt weird there. Nothing too much that I thought about.. Thought it was just from me walking or biking too much since I have been in bed most of the summer. Had penile cancer worries and mentioned the groin before at my appointment but didn't think it was related to that.. Fair enough.

    About 3 weeks ago on Friday, I got a sharp pain which I attributed to blue balls and did the deed despite trying to quit. It then gradually went away as well as my groin still feeling weird. The next day I got a less sharp pain there, which I once again thought was blue balls. This time the testicle was tender and continued into the next day. No pain but I was very, very scared at this point. Went to the weekend clinic and got told to eat ibuprofen 3x a day for 7 days and to go to my vardcentral the next day, on monday. I did not trust him one bit so I went to the ER and spent 6 hours there. Once I got in and got examined I did not ask for a ultrasound, mostly because I was ****ing tired and I forgot. The doctor seemed pretty certain about the diagnosis too so I blindly and tiredly trusted him..

    He diagnosed me with epididymo-orchitis.. Started antibiotics and took it for 2 weeks. Ended last monday. Still felt weird down there. I had experienced burning feelings from time to time.. Always disappeared after some time and sometimes reappearing before going away fully, I felt pressure and heavyness there (not so much right now) and now I just have a uncomfortable feeling in my left groin/testicle as well as feeling that its swollen and bigger than before. I also had some pain once in my testicle when walking with my sister. Went to the mall and to vote and look in stores and just... Every step I took hurt. It has not hurt when I walked since..

    Went back to the vardcentral and got another doctor to look at me and he could not feel anything that indicated cancer and said that inflammation can take time to heal. That was wednesday last week, I think. I mentioned that it was bigger than before and he just shut me down about cancer and said that sometimes men have issues with their balls.. And that he just simply couldn't feel that there was any concern for cancer right now. That I shouldn't be concerned about it. Which is easier said than done.

    I called a urology clinic today and they did not have a time until mid-october. So they recommended me another clinic in my town where I sadly need to have a referral. So back I went today to call my vardcentral and see if my house doctor could give me a referral there to have actual urology experts have a look and feel and see what they might think it is.

    I have a referrral for an ultrasound, but the waiting time is 3 months and I am really scared.. Go Sweden! It doesn't help that I read that cancer can be confused with inflammation in the testicle and that they have similar symptoms.

    No lump but also read on testicular cancer reddit that there have been survivors of the disease who did not have a lump. Oh, and I had to have surgery as a kid since one of my balls did not drop, which is a risk factor. So all these things and symptoms just adds to my anxiety.

    I know that testicular cancer is very curable and has like 90+% survival rate which makes me even more stressed to see if it is cancer to find it early since I do not have any later stage symptoms at the moment.

    Just felt like I need to vent and look for some reassurance. Apologies for the long wall of text.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.


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  3. #3

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.

    Bump. Has anyone been through this before? The symptoms I mostly struggle with are uncomfortable feeling in groin/testicle, some pain in some positions, angles or when I move my leg in a specific way and also just a feeling of testicle/groin being swollen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.

    I have dealt with this. I am glad you are getting it checked out, its always worth doing but I have had similar problems with my testicles like 10 times. I think I have got about 4 ultrasounds already, I know its bad. Here in the US some urologists have the machine so they will scan you right there. The pain or uncomfort or even swollen-ness always goes away but sometimes it had stayed for a month so I went to get it checked. It is hard because it feels so real like something really is wrong but then ultrasound comes clear. I bet yours will too, but I do think its good to go do it and then you have a base for what this pain or feel is so next time you might not have to go back. I still don't know what causes mine, it is great for months then its really bad for a month or so then ok again. I have bought all new boxer briefs with more support and so far so good, I actually really thing it was my underwear not doing a good job. I also have a varicocele but the few doctors I have talked about have said its too small to cause any pain or discomfort.

    Anyways, you will be ok, the wait is the hard part.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.

    Ok I'll give you my story which is similar to yours. Essentially, I had an ache in my groin and deep in my hip along with a swollen, tender testicle. I had a load of checks but it wasn't anything of concern. The likely thing was muscle problems in my back which went into my hip and testicle. I get it every now and then and find doing pelvic floor exercises helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.

    My Urologist also mentioned that it could be from my back. Gave me some muscle relaxers to take if it happens but it has not happened again.

  7. #7

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.

    Thank you for telling your story. This is the first time and its just a very bad situation that I am in. I had some other cancer worry not too long ago with some symptoms that were a benign thing and not in fact cancer. However now I strongly believe it is cancer after hearing people being able to have it with no lump.. And I do have no lump but the other symptoms are still there. Sometimes less, sometimes more.

    It is a very hard and long wait. 3 months is a long time and tons of stuff can happen in that time. My house doc would not give me a referral to the urology clinic as the only thing they would be able to do is to give me a referral to ultrasound too. She did however send out something to see if they can hurry up the process.

    I have a friend who is my age who had testicular cancer. He was diagnosed at the age of 22 ish. Went through treatment and is now in remission and living life. He told me that he had a lump down there and that it was pulsating and tender. Meanwhile I have cancer fears with no lump. And no one thinks I have cancer. Like not the ER doc, not the house doctor (even though she has not looked at me) and not the vardcentral doctor and he has like 40 years of experience. But the uncomfortable feeling, occasional pain that comes and goes and the swollen-ness does not go away. Even though I took antibiotics for the "inflammation".

    F*ck HA, honestly. It might be HA that is causing this, it might be something completely benign. Or it might be cancer, which is what I have in my mind and I cannot get it out.

    Glad it was not something serious for ya and I hope the same here. Although it's not much hope that I have right now LOL.

  8. #8

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.

    Ahh, I understand. Thank you for the reply and your story. I have felt weird down there before, no doubt... But not on this scale I feel like. Definitely not. I have never had testicular cancer on my radar before the pain and the swelling. Or at least it feeling bigger. All of this came suddenly at the middle or at the end of August. Came right after my penile cancer worries.

    Glad it was not something serious for you and hoping it is the same for me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.

    I also went down the Reddit rabbit hole of TC stories, I could almost say 100% that my symptoms were the same as the non lump guys. I had my swollen and achey feeling for about 4 months initially and tried EVERYTHING. Painkillers, leg and hip massages, ice packs, and a roller ball over the pelvis which actually released some tension, nothing else really worked.

    It wasn't until I done regular stretches that the issue subsided.

    This was my go to video for pelvic floor exercises:

    Try it 2x a day for a couple weeks and see how it goes.

  10. #10

    Re: Testicular cancer worry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whizz View Post
    I also went down the Reddit rabbit hole of TC stories, I could almost say 100% that my symptoms were the same as the non lump guys. I had my swollen and achey feeling for about 4 months initially and tried EVERYTHING. Painkillers, leg and hip massages, ice packs, and a roller ball over the pelvis which actually released some tension, nothing else really worked.

    It wasn't until I done regular stretches that the issue subsided.

    This was my go to video for pelvic floor exercises:

    Try it 2x a day for a couple weeks and see how it goes.
    Might have to try that out but tbh nothing has helped lol. Antibiotics didn't, I have been on ibuprofen at least 2 times a day since like 5 weeks. And 2 of those I took them 3 times a week. My health center can't do much more they tell me other than putting me on a list for xray and ultrasound, which they have. Next step will have to be ER, which scares me. But they do not think it is something dangerous... But I do LOL.

    My anxiety is really taking over ngl. And it is probably top 3 worst anxieties that I have had so far :(.

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