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Thread: Dental question, please share simiilar experience

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Dental question, please share simiilar experience

    Hello guys,

    I had yesterday my 6-month cleaning and exam, when my dentist ordered repeated x ray of one particular tooth, that 6 months ago showed with a darker area around the root tip on my yearly x rays. He wanted to see if it is bigger. The darker area did not change in size. He then tapped the tooth with an instrument, and one next to it, he felt the gums above - no pain whatsoever. He noted there is no small "pimple" that usually forms when there is a root infection brewing. So, since everything else was good, he told me he will recheck in 6 months, unless I get pain or any other symptoms. I was very happy and went home.

    However, I started ruminating about it later, and I am still thinking. Firstly, I do not want infection to become worse, if indeed there is one. Secondly - and this comes from my anxiety and OCD ruled mind - what if it is something more sinister? The only comfort is that I have been with the dentist for over 20 years, and he is a very good dentist who, I believe, would not let me go if there is anything possibly dangerous, even remotely ( over 30 years experience). He actually told me that this is probably just scar tissue because the tooth had root canal and is crowned, and that it how it healed.

    I also read online a little bit and yes, darker area around root tip is indicative of infection, but sometimes of nothing, or scar tissue. Shall I just dropped, for crying out loud? I was thinking of calling back and requesting appointment, but then what.... What shall I say to him, why am I back ?

    I really want to just put this behind me, but I am at the same scared that if it is infection, it may get much worse. Or ... I do not want to say anything any more.

    If someone had similar experience, every suggestion is welcome! Thank you all in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Dental question, please share simiilar experience

    I’ve had a previously root canal-ed tooth become infected and it was very obvious. I had pain and then the pimple formed over my tooth. It progressed quickly - so having no change in six months would not be an infection. I think scar tissue makes the most sense. I’d trust your dentist and just do the six month check ins unless you notice pain or anything other major change.

    I’ll add - the infection was no big deal. So, even if it does become infected you just treat it and move on. It’s nothing to be super concerned about.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Dental question, please share simiilar experience


    Thank you so much - wonderfully comforting words. Will do exactly that, especially since my dentist said the same thing.

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