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Thread: Stomach issues abnormal blood test

  1. #11

    Re: Stomach issues abnormal blood test

    So back to doctor as severe pain nearly ended up in a&e turns out to be gastritis saw doctor she told me my inflammation marker was only slightly raised. Didn't seem concerned with getting me scanned just sent me off with omerpazole to take for a month so far had another 2 attacks. Waiting on results from stool test I did on Monday.. getting me down this pain is awful when it attacks and the ... I'm loosing weight as I'm too scared to eat much and I've lost my appetite.. just want to feel better.

    How did you both get kn with your results?

  2. #12

    Re: Stomach issues abnormal blood test

    Quote Originally Posted by C4nd1ce86 View Post
    So back to doctor as severe pain nearly ended up in a&e turns out to be gastritis saw doctor she told me my inflammation marker was only slightly raised. Didn't seem concerned with getting me scanned just sent me off with omerpazole to take for a month so far had another 2 attacks. Waiting on results from stool test I did on Monday.. getting me down this pain is awful when it attacks and the ... I'm loosing weight as I'm too scared to eat much and I've lost my appetite.. just want to feel better.

    How did you both get kn with your results?
    Ah I'm so sorry to hear your feeling so poorly!! Let's hope the omeprazole helps you!! Fingers crossed! I go for my bloods on Tues and hopefully get the results at end of the week, hoping for good news!

  3. #13

    Re: Stomach issues abnormal blood test

    Hi just a wee update I got my liver function test results today and they are all now normal again! Frustrated and angry with myself for spending the last few weeks worrying myself sick!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Stomach issues abnormal blood test

    I’m very pleased they are normal for you

  5. #15

    Re: Stomach issues abnormal blood test

    Awesome news Debija77 please foenyou

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Stomach issues abnormal blood test

    I am kind of in the same boat I had a bad anxiety attack around a month ago ended up seeing a nurse practitioner at a overflow surgery not at my own doctors she examined me listened to my heart bp ect and reassured me it was anxiety and not a heart attack however she recommended having my bloods done as haven’t had them done for about five years and I’m too scared to go and the doctors keep ringing me and leaving messages and I’m too scared to go hate being like this

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