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Thread: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Tuesday: presented to a whole department of teachers. Result: answered their questions, got the information I needed, everyone confident and happy afterwards.

    Wednesday: Presented to own work team on unfamiliar subjects. Twice.
    Result: First presentation resounding success, second presentation handled constructive criticism without breaking tride.
    Wednesday: Team dinner. Wore an above the knee dress for the first time since my teens.
    Result: Persuaded a colleague to come in on the bus with me as I felt naked. Lots of compliments but still won't be doing it again in a hurry. May carry on using makeup, though.
    Wednesday yet again: Epic restaurant panic attack after pushing my luck with food choices. I always get nervy while waiting for the bill, but this was my first full-blown attack in ages.
    Result: Let the table know and tried to pay up so I could escape, but allowed myself to be persuaded to stay a little longer. Panic attack dwindled and was gone within ten minutes of getting home.

    Thursday: Checked bank statement and it was carnage. Felt my soul leave my body.
    Result: Texted Mr. Iris to let him know and get a little reassurance, asked if we could just cut back on spending without a big formal analysis of everything. He was good with this, and I was able to calm down before...
    Thursday: Four hours of teaching assorted college staff how to bead a bracelet. All staff had zero experience.
    Result: Nailed it! Created a really positive environment, everyone had fun and I've been asked to design and teach some projects to our hairdressing students.
    Best thing of all: A building lecturer came and was a natural, he says he wants to carry on with the hobby and it makes my heart sing.

    Friday: Broke up for a week of annual leave. Migraine aura within an hour of getting home.
    Result: Not a flicker of panic. Quietly thankful that it happened before a planned massive TV binge. Went to bed to doze and watch the pretty lights grow and fade.

    A week of massive stressors and I'm still here. Looking forward to a quiet week at home, though.

    Anybody else want to share their little wins?
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Sounds like you did indeed nail the the crap out of a very stressful week Blue!

    I pulled on my paint-spattered leggings and ancient Stone Roses T shirt (also paint- spattered) and started painting our bedroom..

    Two walls done. Physically, it broke me - I ended up in bed (once my hundreds of books had been shifted off it) feeling like I had flu. I also had a sore neck, blurry eyes, and lots of wind (painting makes me fart)

    Mentally, I feel good for having accomplished something.. It still bothers me that I can't start and finish in the same day (as I used to be able to) but this is all part of learning to pace myself with the fibro. I should have stopped at one wall, and I wouldn't have felt as wrecked, but I'm a tit so I went for two. (I will learn eventually)

    Waking up this morning was a bit of a moment with one side of the room in a lovely warm Oyster shade and the other blue.. (messes with my autie brain does this)

    And before anybody says it, no I can't ask Mr Batty to help me with the decorating. He's good for wallpaper and shelves but when it comes to the painting he has the skills (and patience) of a toddler. I might as well stick a roller in my two year old grandson's hand, you get me? My husband thinks that 'cutting in' is something they do at the barbers.

    Let him loose on the walls? Not while I breathe...
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Congrats on a productive week, Nora!
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    I have to congratulate you on remembering what you did on Tuesday BlueIris I have trouble remembering what I had for dinner yesterday let alone anything else. Lol.

    Nora my other half is the same. I'm the decorator, gardener, home repairer in the house. Mr C is a bit 'Frank Spencer' and its something I've had to get use to and laugh off.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Well I certainly can't beat or even emulate your brilliant achievements but I did manage to reprogramme the Sky remote knowing that i could wreck everything by getting it wrong..I was shaking afterwards!! I knew what the "repercussions" from daughter would be!

    My daily challenges are constant as a carer but DIY always fills me full of dread. I want to limit having to get tradespeople in but I am wretchedly hopeless at anything practical.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Oh my Pulisa I can imagine the pressure of that
    Well done for doing that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Loving your achievements! It’s so important to recognise the stuff we do each day that’s actually pretty impressive.

    I went for a bit of fine dining in London and had a fabulous time without any anxiety at all.

    This week I have made lots of meals, tidied up lots, washed, dried and ironed clothes for everyone, got everyone to school and work (and home again), worked 6 hours a day in an office, gone to a sports day (put sun cream on my daughter but not on myself obviously, got burnt), talked to the assorted cats that visit my garden, spent at least 2 evenings with my neighbour who has dementia and gets very scared on her own at night, met up with friends in the park.

    I do have a few fails though, but I don’t think this is the thread for them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    Nora my other half is the same. I'm the decorator, gardener, home repairer in the house. Mr C is a bit 'Frank Spencer' and its something I've had to get use to and laugh off.
    Mine definitely channels his inner Frank Spencer...
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

    Quote Originally Posted by Scass View Post
    Loving your achievements! It’s so important to recognise the stuff we do each day that’s actually pretty impressive.

    I went for a bit of fine dining in London and had a fabulous time without any anxiety at all.

    This week I have made lots of meals, tidied up lots, washed, dried and ironed clothes for everyone, got everyone to school and work (and home again), worked 6 hours a day in an office, gone to a sports day (put sun cream on my daughter but not on myself obviously, got burnt), talked to the assorted cats that visit my garden, spent at least 2 evenings with my neighbour who has dementia and gets very scared on her own at night, met up with friends in the park.

    I do have a few fails though, but I don’t think this is the thread for them.
    I think it sounds as though you've achieved a hell of a lot this week, Scass. I'd say the time you spent with your neighbour was priceless for her. Your understanding of dementia through bitter experience and genuine kindness makes you the perfect neighbour and friend. She's so fortunate to have you xx

    I don't really know what "success" means for me..I am always pleased when I can help others but don't really analyse myself in terms of achievements. Being honest I don't think I'd want to. Just getting through the day is enough for me

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