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Thread: Increasing Venlafaxine to 300mg

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Increasing Venlafaxine to 300mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Cornish Andy View Post
    What other problems do you foresee?
    Nothing specific, just that there are better meds for the creation of bespoke SNRIs. Sertraline was old timers preferred serotonergic AD for this because of fewer drug-drug interactions and any of the SSRIs except maybe paroxetine would be easier to quit than venlafaxine.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  2. #32

    Re: Increasing Venlafaxine to 300mg

    I’m back, and having another low. Very anxious, scared and emotional right now I’m afraid.

    I struggled quite a bit with the start up of the new medication. After 2 weeks my new psychiatrist then lowered Venlafaxine back to 225mg alongside the Lofepramine 140mg (2 x 70mg). After a few days the mists started to clear, and I had a run of just over a week feeling the best I have in a while.

    Then, 5 days ago, he lowered Venlafaxine further to 150mg and increased Lofepramine to 210mg (1 in the morning, 2 in the evening). His plan is to get me off the Venlafaxine altogether. Now, I’ve hit rock bottom and have broken down again. Been crying non-stop for 2 days. And the psychiatrist is away for the next week.

    I’m guessing this is all natural at this stage - one drug going down, one going up, but it’s unbearable in the moment. I have resorted to diazepam and hoping I’ll be able to keep this to a few days maximum, as the thought of dependence terrifies me.

    Perhaps I need to reduce the Venlafaxine more slowly?

    Grateful for any advice at all, and best wishes to everyone. None of us are alone.

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  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Increasing Venlafaxine to 300mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Cornish Andy View Post
    Then, 5 days ago, he lowered Venlafaxine further to 150mg and increased Lofepramine to 210mg (1 in the morning, 2 in the evening). His plan is to get me off the Venlafaxine altogether. Now, I’ve hit rock bottom and have broken down again. Been crying non-stop for 2 days. And the psychiatrist is away for the next week.
    What a pity the dose changes couldn't have waited until he was back from wherever he's gone.

    I’m guessing this is all natural at this stage - one drug going down, one going up, but it’s unbearable in the moment. I have resorted to diazepam and hoping I’ll be able to keep this to a few days maximum, as the thought of dependence terrifies me.
    Benzodiazepine dependence is not the evil it is often claimed to be, plus it will take longer than you're likely be taking it. Quitting venlafaxine can be at least as hard as stopping BZDs.

    Perhaps I need to reduce the Venlafaxine more slowly?
    I don't know a lot about lofepramine as the UK is about the only place it is prescribed and then not often. In the ~25 years I've been participating in support groups I've only known of maybe 4 cases. So I can't really comment, but I suspect this would be easier if the dose changes were smaller for both ADs.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  4. #34

    Re: Increasing Venlafaxine to 300mg

    Thanks PDU. From what I’ve read Lofepramine seems most similar to Nortriptyline and Protriptyline, if you have come across those at all.

    I do worry about reducing/coming off Venlafaxine as I know it’s a hard one to withdraw from, and I know I’m very sensitive. When I next speak to him I’ll suggest going as slow as possible. I think I might be able to change from the extended release capsules which only come in a minimum 75mg here and can’t be split, to the standard release which comes in 37.5mg and, I think, are in tablet form.

    In my current state I’m just looking for some positives to reassure me. I was so hopeful when I had a few days feeling better last week.

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  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Increasing Venlafaxine to 300mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Cornish Andy View Post
    From what I’ve read Lofepramine seems most similar to Nortriptyline and Protriptyline, if you have come across those at all.
    While they are all primarily noradrenaline/norepinephrine reuptake inhibiting TCAs my observation, albeit from only a very small lofepramine sample, is that people react differently to it than nortriptyline which is the more popular NA inhibiting TCA. I don't recall anyone being on protriptyline which is a good thing given its side-effects profile.

    I think I might be able to change from the extended release capsules which only come in a minimum 75mg here and can’t be split, to the standard release which comes in 37.5mg and, I think, are in tablet form.
    Immediate-release is definitely the way to go.

    I was so hopeful when I had a few days feeling better last week.
    I wouldn't read too much into that. I suspect the relatively good week you had was more serendipity than a direct response to the 225mg venlafaxine plus 140mg lofepramine combination as you weren't on it long enough to have had much of an impact on the brain.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #36

    Re: Increasing Venlafaxine to 300mg

    It’s been a while, but wanted to post an update on my situation, in the hope of some further advice and support.

    I’m almost six months on the combination of Venlafaxine 150mg and Lofepramine 210mg and it’s not working. I’m in a cycle of feeling ok, even good for a week or two. Then, the extreme anxiety and accompanying depression return with a vengeance. I’m so overwhelmed I sometimes can’t tell if it’s anxiety or depression. My heart races, my mind races with worry, I can‘t sleep. I get desperately tearful and everything feels worthless and frightening. During these periods I can’t distract myself or enjoy or engage with anything.

    I take diazepam for a few days, then it usually starts to lift after about a week, and I’ll feel ok again for a while. It’s so frustrating.

    I’ve privately changed to a new psychiatrist as I wasn’t getting on well with the previous one. His attitude didn’t help me and he was more interested in pushing a form of EFT tapping therapy which I tried but didn’t find helpful.

    I’ve seen the new psychiatrist a couple of times by video call, and he had suggested a couple of options.

    First he wants me to taper off one of the antidepressants, keeping the one I feel helps the most. This is a difficult choice as I don’t feel either are helping right now. The Venlafaxine did for a few years whereas the Lofepramine hasn’t made much difference since starting this year, so I’m veering towards keeping the Venlafaxine.

    He then suggests adding either either Quetiapine or Mirtazapine to the Venlafaxine. I just don’t know what to think.

    Quetiapine worries me somewhat. I know it’s used as a mood stabiliser, but it’s an antipsychotic and I’ve never been on this class of med before.

    Mirtazapine seems the less scary option as it’s another antidepressant. Apparently the combination of Venlafaxine and Mirtazapine is known as ‘California Rocket Fuel’ and considered by some as a good combination.

    Both options cause significant sedation from what I’ve read, which I’m really not keen on. I have two children and a mentally challenging job.

    Does anyone have experience with any of these combinations? Any help or advice much appreciated as always.

    Sending best wishes to everyone out there.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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