Hi Sara, I've been on both venlafaxine and mirtazapine for some years now, about 2012 I think. I was changed over to the Ven from paroxetine which was reduced and then stopped while upping the Ven dose. I seem to remember having trouble sleeping. So I was prescribed nitrazapam but didn't get on with it.

That's when I was put on mirtazapine. It made me feel sleepy during the day for the first couple of weeks but that wore off. What I can say is that the mirtazapine will certainly help you sleep.

Regarding anxiety while on both the Ven and mirt, it was very effective initially, for maybe two years or so. But this tailed off, bearing in mind I'm a carer for my wife who has a number of health problems which would test any medication I might be on. However regarding depression, I only really get the odd episode of lowered mood, certainly not what you could call depression. And that's after nearly 10 years.

I have to get to bed now so have to leave it there. I'll look in here tomorrow, hang in there.