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Thread: Arachnophobia

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Arachnophobia

    Quote Originally Posted by graham58 View Post
    Can I go back to what I asked, please?

    "Mine's fairly mild, but all the same with the autumn season approaching I'm thinking of investing in a spider catcher. Has anyone got one of these, and if so, what type and did it work?"

    These are the sorts of things I'm referring to;
    Why not read the reviews, make a choice and just try it out? There are also spider/insect traps you can place about as well as good 'ol insect killer sprays.

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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Arachnophobia

    I was an arachnophobe. I'd be the first to jump on the bed to get away from a spider screaming for somebody to catch it. Before I owned a spider I did spend over a year watching videos on them. Initially I couldn't even watch a video on spiders, but one of the youtubers I watched had one and my interest started from there. That film back in the day put the willies up me and would haunt me.

    When you have to rehouse a spider, you have no choice, arachnophobe or not. If you don't it will die, and that's cruel. The first time I rehoused one it was a bit of an ordeal and my partner helped me (who at this point was also an arachnopobe and couldn't even be in the same room as the spider). The experience of rehousing my first spider most definitely helped me overcome my fear of spiders. The experience of owning a spider will do that.

    As for your original question, I do not condone the killing of insects. We share this world with all sorts, and as this time of the year is common for spiders I'd just ride it out. You're in the UK, we don't have dangerous spiders. Trapping them, and putting them outside is like somebody picking you up and plonking you in the middle of nowhere
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Arachnophobia

    I think we're probably going to end up having to agree to disagree about this. I used to be very tolerant of Pholcidae (skull spiders) in my home on the basis that they kept everything else down, until one day I counted five of the blighters in the shower when I was taking one. Have to say that for me that was too much, and ever since I've been much more insistent on getting rid of their webs (though I still tolerate a few around).

    It was one of these;

    My very Cornish Gran used to say that she operated a no-tolerance policy towards spiders in her home because if you don't, "they increase like a doous!" (the English dialect equivalent would be "like billy-o"!).

    Similarly, I was making an entry in my diary a few minutes ago when I saw an ant walking across it. Having memories of a fruit cake in a tin my Gran gave me which turned into a full-scale ant's nest some years ago, I have a policy of no tolerance for ants in my home now and took the diary and ant outside where the ant crawled off the pages of my diary and onto a blade of grass. No one was hurt, including the ant.
    Last edited by graham58; 19-08-21 at 16:00.

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