Quote Originally Posted by BrokenGirl View Post
I took another one a few nights ago because I couldn't sleep. I really don't want to take many of them though, and especially during the day. They just knock me out completely.
Sedation is often quetiapine's strongest effect. You could try asking your GP for the okay to cut the dose in half (I'm assuming you're on 25mg immediate-release), or alternatively ask about *hydroxyzine. It is a prescription antihistamine with a fairly strong anti anxiety effect. Not quite as potent as the BZDs, but often potent enough to make a difference. It is usually only moderately sedating and the sedation generally lasts 4-6 hours so is less likely to continue into the next day if it's taken in the late evening for insomnia.

*Hydroxyzine comes in two forms, hydroxyzine pamoate (Vistaril) and hydroxyzine hydrochloride (Atarax). Anecdotally, the pamoate form is claimed to be the more effective anxiolytic, but just how true this is remains a matter of debate in forums

It's been a week now since I had the last rivotril and I haven't had another funny turn since. I'm hoping I'm over the worst of it now.
Clonazepam has a much longer half-life than alprazolam so generally is easier to quit.

As I said previously, I've been through benzo withdrawal before and there was no let up with it. I had it constantly, 24/7, for a very long time. Don't want to go back there again
Did you wean off from alprazolam, or from a longer half-life BZD? Switching to diazepam and weaning off it is usually less traumatic.