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Thread: Brain MRI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Brain MRI

    I had a head MRI earlier this week. I found the experience of having the MRI much better than I'd expected. They gave me ear plugs, headphones to listen to music and a blanket. There was a mirror above my head that showed me the room and the operator, but I closed my eyes the whole time so didn't have any claustrophobia problems. There was a panic button but I didn't need to use it. The noise was loud, but I actually found the whole thing quite relaxing.

    I had the MRI because I had swelling of my optic nerve. The result said no cranial abnormalities were found, but there was stenosis (narrowing of artery). I now have to see a neurologist to see if I need more tests. I'm trying not to stress about it and am working hard on my health anxiety by not Googling.

    Edited to add: I went back to my GP to ask about the stenosis and she said she thought that was a typo in the report and it should say, no stenosis! She rang the radiologist who confirmed and apologised. He also said my optic nerve looked good so I'm hoping all is okay.
    Last edited by carriewriting; 28-06-20 at 11:26.

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